just broke up with my gf

Dude, don't email DonnieDarko. He's actually a she, a lesbian killer clown from Pluto whose sole aim is to rupture your jejunum and engage in cadaverous mastication of your insalubrious excrements. Really.

Sucks that you gouys broke up. Opeth will help, but two amazing albums that'll pick you right up are The Joshua Tree and Siamese Dream.
Just let yourself go through all the emotions...if you don't, those emotions that you don't allow yourself to feel will come back later to haunt you.

Embrace the past.

Good Luck
Ah thanks guys. Sorry i didn't post in off-topic but i knew i'd probably get more response here.

It was probably a bit attention seeking to post here but i coudln't help it, i was looking everywhere for something to cheer me up.

to answer saturnix - was kinda mutual. although she started the conversation, lol. mind you she had good reason to break up with me and that's what's worse. ah well, thank ya'll for the advice.
my girlfriend left me 4 weeks ago. and i feel so bad still. i thought that we'd stay together forever... how life can turn so quickly into hell? i allways thought that i knew what depression means, this goes far beyond that. :.(. i miss her so. if we could even talk or see or something. but no. :..(..
anonymousnick2001 said:
Dude, don't email DonnieDarko. He's actually a she, a lesbian killer clown from Pluto whose sole aim is to rupture your jejunum and engage in cadaverous mastication of your insalubrious excrements. Really.

Sucks that you gouys broke up. Opeth will help, but two amazing albums that'll pick you right up are The Joshua Tree and Siamese Dream.

With Or Without You makes me cry in these situations.....fuck....

actually, yesterday after discussing our relationship with my gf, we nearly broke up. Then I went to the forum and saw this thread....It could've been mine....

Well, we live together and then it's kinda harder to break up...so we're trying again. I think it's worth it.
Anarkissed said:
Ah thanks guys. Sorry i didn't post in off-topic but i knew i'd probably get more response here.

It was probably a bit attention seeking to post here but i coudln't help it, i was looking everywhere for something to cheer me up.

to answer saturnix - was kinda mutual. although she started the conversation, lol. mind you she had good reason to break up with me and that's what's worse. ah well, thank ya'll for the advice.
actually, off-topic gets twice as much traffic as the main branch.

so what you're telling me is, she dumped you. there is no mutual really, but you went along with it because you had no choice. sucks, man.

maybe she'll take you back...
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that's probably true, i guess.

I have to break it though, it was my fault that gave her reason to break up, and that's what makes it worse.

I'll move on and (kinda) forget about it some time, hopefully not too long.

Actually i rarely look at the off-topic forum. But hey, Mark, if u wanna move this there feel free!
I was half-asleep this morning, lying in bed, when I get a cramp. Not too strong, but not a weak one either. So, I give a slight push, and this hard plug comes out of my ass and into the seat of my boxers. Wow, that felt good between my ass-cheeks!
Of course, now that the "stopper" was gone, 1/2 lb of soft poop came out of my asshole. Some escaped down my leg, but right now I'm sitting in it and feeling it squish all around my bottom...Mmmmm...!

If only I could stay like this forever...oh, well...