Just got a new amp..

Silent Song said:
true, it just seems like a strange thing. maybe he meant OD channel with low gain, and then a pedal

Yeah, that's what I meant. A common recording set-up, if you head over to Andy Sneap's forum, more or less pioneered by him is to use a 5150 slightly overdriven and then use a TS-909 or whicever tube screamer to push it all the way into the distortion range. As opposed to sounding muddy and unfocused this actually tightens up the distortion sound on the Peavey and makes it very recording friendly. Samples have been posted up there and they sound great. If you want a refference, check out the new Kreator album 'Enemy of God'.

I've never had much luck with stomp boxes, in the sense that I could never get a good sound out of them. That could very well have been due to my amps. But the tubescreamer definately demands that you have an amp with a good driven sound to start with. All it does is focus and tighten the sound for you.
i'd really like to try a Laney out, but the local dealer apparently has stopped selling Laney's :( and the closest dealer near me now is bout 2 hours away.

Anyone know a good place online to look for Laney amps? Or have any little sound clips of their Laney?

Looks like i might have to buy mine on eBay lol
Katabasis said:
Since we're on the subject of amps, I'm looking to buy a giggable amp, low price range, and I'm tossing up between the Peavey 5150, VC50 (though I've got a feeling that this will be too expensive), and the Randall RG-100. Any of you guys had any experience with these amps?
Suggestions, cautions, price-ranges?

peavey is the best imo, but i think 5150 isn't produced anymore, just tripleX

about 1000 bucks, maybe more
discouraged1 said:
peavey is the best imo, but i think 5150 isn't produced anymore, just tripleX

about 1000 bucks, maybe more

Here is the new 5150, same circuitry, just a different name.


By the way, why do you have Slobodan Milosevic in your avatar?