Just got back from the first Philly show.. and..


Trashed, Lost & Strungout
Mar 3, 2004
East Stroudsburg, PA
What the fuck happened? Alexi's guitar wasn't coming through the speakers on the right.. The thing that sucked was.. he was playing so perfectly.. I could tell just by watching and I coulnd't hear his guitar at all. Also, what happened that made their setlist short by 2 songs? They were supposed to do Children of Bodom and Trashed, Lost, and Strungout I think. The setlist was taped to Jaska's kit when the roadies were carrying it out and I couldn't see it that well but I'm pretty sure that's what it said. Also, I fucking threw Alexi a pack of Luckies on stage but he didn't see it. Someone else threw one right before me.. he got theirs but he didn't see mine and nobody fucking picked it up. I'm so pissed.
::swings fist:: Lucky bastard! I wish I could've gone! I'm glad you had a good time though. Somebody else mentioned the speaker problem a few hours ago. The Troc needs to get their act together!

By the way...are you seeing Megadeth on Nov 12?
They better fix it by 6:00 tonight, becvause ill be going to the same place. Maybe ill just go to the left, so i can hear it. Was it like that with every band, or just CoB?
I noticed during sound check the speakers on that side seemed to be fucked up. I was on the other side of the venue though and Alexi came through well.

I thought they did a better show last night than when they played with Iced Earth, despite the shortened setlist.
Yeah, I was there too, and I was on the side that couldnt hear shit! Jannes keyboards sounding amazing, but I couldnt hear Alexi's solos at all. Im going again tonight though, so hopefully it'll be fixed, along with their setlist \m/
They better have it fixed tonight. I cant wait to hear Alexi, and i cant have that happen. This is the 2nd time i am seeing them, i dont want to be disappointed.
I was pissed that they cut Bodom short, I heard Alexi pretty good, i was dead center pretty close to the front. I only heard the drums for Fear Factory sitting in the back (it was pretty funny) and Lamb of God kicked ass
No, they usually don't play Hatebreeder. They usually play Silent Night, Bodom Night (I yelled for them to play it, but obviously I knew they weren't). But for this tour they dropped that in favor of Children of Bodom, but that hasn't been getting play much since the first few shows either, they've put Bodom Beach Terror in place of it.
Yea seriously, i could still hear alexi's guitar a little bit because I was in the center on the front but it was low as fuck. I kept screaming for them to turn it up, but even fi they did Janne was still overpowering, but he fucking played great. Yea I could see alexi palying flawlessly too and through Janne's insane playing I could hear alexi perfectly in my mind, or what it would have sounded liek if he was turned up.

I also met Janne, Roope, Jaska, and Hennka again, got some pics with some and some autographs. I met them at the last show too, it was awesome. I went with gkelter and antoher kid we went with met alexi and got him to sign his ticketstub. It was an awesome show none the least.

I got some good pictures from the show, if anybody wants them, just msg me at MetalorDie19 and ill send em.
(Don't feel like uploading them)
@TowardsDeadEnd: Hahahaha Fear Factory... His voice cracked soooo fucking bad. "Give it up for that band that came all the way out from Virg*VOICECRACKFROMHELL*inia"

Anyway, Bodom Beach Terror was fucking awesome. I'm glad they played it but I really wanted to hear CoB.
Hahaha yea no shit, I was in the back for Fear Factory and people were making fun of him like crazy for that, and then it happened again when they left the stage.

Bodom Beach Terror was absolutely incredible live! Alexi was flawless on the solo (actually he was on just about every solo except the last solo in Needled). CoB would've been nice to hear. Bodom Beach Terror is another song that's gonna have to join the list with SNBN for songs that are WAY better live than they are on CD.
Agreed on Bodom Beach Terror! Sunday night was MUCH better, they opened with SNBN...and Alexi sounded perfect on pretty much everything. Especially BBT \m/ Sixpounder is amazing live too....I'd like to hear that every time.