Just got my new monitors yesterday


Death Be Not Proud
Jan 15, 2010
Dickson City, Pa
I just bought a set of Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2A's. I have to say these monitors are absolutely amazing sounding compared to my Bx5a's (For generally the same price). The sound is very flat. The M-Audio's were a little to bass heavy. Anyone looking for a good set of monitors in the $300.00 price range should definitely check these out.
I have these exact speakers alongside my Adam A7s. They are pretty nice for the money but you have to have in mind that they don't reveal as much detail as higher-class monitors. Distorted guitars seem to sound better than they really are because it masks up some of the boxiness and fizzyness. Reverb is hard to judge. The highs can't compare to those of the Adams, they are not as crisp and precise and get fatiguing a bit. Other than that they are ok. The stereo image is very decent and mixes made on them generally translate quite well.