Yep. My local CD store (one of the many but the biggest and the one with the best selection) only carries V and The Odyssey and I'm getting close to the 2nd month of waiting for The Divine Wings of Tragedy in. So I thought to hell with this way will get me the four albums faster and cheaper.
So am I in for some kick ass music? I've only heard a couple of songs from them due to the fact that I'm not into the whole downloading music thing (download a couple songs from an album than buy) and the fact that the only other people around here who know of Symphony X are the ones I let borrow V and The Odyssey.
So am I in for some kick ass music? I've only heard a couple of songs from them due to the fact that I'm not into the whole downloading music thing (download a couple songs from an album than buy) and the fact that the only other people around here who know of Symphony X are the ones I let borrow V and The Odyssey.