Just some samples from Mind Revolution

of NoNameYet2, I like especially the guitars in the beginning shortly before the scream starts off :)

and "shapes of insanity" is brilliant ( :eek: the whole 1-minute-sample is amazing! )
This is going to sound like typical asskissing..

:eek: but damn i love it! I can't wait for the new cd to come out! :D

I have no constructive criticism to offer, you people are far beyond my league. :)
Very nice! Can't wait for the whole thing.

My main complaint is that the bass isn't distinct enough! We need more Jonas. Perhaps boosting the bass track at ~120 Hz and 800 Hz (while cutting these frequencies a bit from the other tracks) could help him stand out more, and thus make the mix "better."

Other than that, everything sounds great. I love how the guitars are much more present and heavy in the mix than they were on TD. Plus it sounds like Andreas and "The MC" have some really cool riffs up their sleeves.

Good job guys, can't wait for the real thing.
Actually, now that you mention it...yes. We want Jonas :p No skimping out on us, now!

as for Jonas, they cant change much now that there out of the studio. Jonas sais the bass is all too hidden so guess we're stuck :(
Ahhh, some fellow In Flames board members!

Anyways, even though they are short 49 second samples, I've been listening to them nonstop for the past 2 days. I can't wait!
Sounds great!!!

By any chance are you guys influenced by video games?? Please don't take that as an insult because I love the sound.