Just some samples from Mind Revolution

Originally posted by TrueBeliever
That was intelligent. Anyway, the reason I am complaining is that they did not progress their sound at all. Parts of the clips just sound like TD, others sound like it with less keyboards, and some just like generic black. I am not saying that they should not have changed the sound, I'm saying they should have added or changed something, not just taken something away. I don't think it made much sense to turn down what set them apart from other bands.

U really care about Skyfire do u TB....maybe u want to produce our next album???? Anyway....we are satisfied and we would do it again..cause we don´t fucking care...no hard feelings, but i´m tired of those unmature verbal fights in here...damn..have a beer instead..SALUT!!! :goggly: :flame:
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
Argueing is futile. You hear what you want to hear, and I hear what I want to hear. Since this is basically opinion there is no way to prove either way, and this conversation is deteriorating from an arguement to senseless contradiction. By argueing with each other, I have probably only made you believe your opinion more, and you have done the same to me.

lol...sure man...end of discussion
God the band do somthing like release a few samples for the fans and people are being dead critcal, you cannot really judge anything from the samples.

Its like watching the kick off to a football match and then saying how the game is going to be and what the result will be.
show me a 14 year old boy that ISNT a fuckin smart ass know-it-all. and my family says 'skål' too. well the norwegian/danish parts do anyways hehe.
haha ok this is the fucking hillarious part. TB is saying 2 things pretty consistent. they havent changed, and he doesnt like 'shapes of insanity' whats fucking great about that is 'shapes of insanity' is the biggest departure from the previous album, and HE DOESNT FUCKING LIKE IT. hes confused. he cries for change and when it comes he says it sucks. anyone else see this? i mean damn. on a side note i dig all three samples and cant wait till the cd comes out.
agreed man, all three samples kick ass. as far as ur point about TB goes i will respect his opinions whether i agree with them or not, so im not gonna judge anyone or hold anything against them ,unless they directly insult me.
lol, i know i know, but im just saying im not gonna say anything that any1 might take offensively. cause i got the impression u wanted people to agree with what u wer saying so i decided to tell every1 that im not gonna get involved.