Just some samples from Mind Revolution

Originally posted by Stormrider586
thats cool! i've actually never heard anything by your band....sorry...but what do you guys sound like?

I hope this was pointed to me othervise I'll come across as a real dumbass now. :D

Our music is kinda hard to explain but I'll just use what some people told us. "The Blind Guardian's of deathmetal"
I guess that's mainly because of our vocalist, which sound very much like Hansi Kursch/Blackie Lawless when he sings with his clean voice.
You can check our mp3.com site for samples, link below. :)
Holy hotdog I just downloaded those JLN mp3s and they are fantanstic! *applaude*
I had heard about JLN many times and tried downloading songs on kazaa but couldn't find any! And then Ronnie B. shows up! What are the odds!? :wave: :notworthy
Originally posted by Gums
Holy hotdog I just downloaded those JLN mp3s and they are fantanstic! *applaude*
I had heard about JLN many times and tried downloading songs on kazaa but couldn't find any! And then Ronnie B. shows up! What are the odds!? :wave: :notworthy

Well the odds are pretty good I guess since I'm a fan of Skyfire. ;)

Thanks. :)

ShaneBarnes1982, happy to hear that, thanks. :)
man, im trying to download ur tracks of MP3.com, but my internet connection is going so dam slow so im gonna have to try in the day time tomorrow, but i can't wait after what some of the guys have said about them!!!!!

oh yeah, i also signed the gustbook on ur site