Just some samples from Mind Revolution

sounds pretty cool, much better than weak "TD". it's what i want - good production!
i cant download anything from the minibosses page :confused:

I wanna hear the castlevania covers, I've always loved the music from castlevania!

Originally posted by TrueBeliever
What's funny is how everyone who yelled at Eldzik before agrees with him now. You all gave him so much shit when he said it needed less keyboard and now that it does you all say you love it. Cause there aren't enough melodic black metal bands out there.

oh cry me a river! you are such a baby
i guess skyfire are posers now! go iced earth!
i for one think the new stuff sounds way better
On the other hand Eldzik wanted NO keyboards. Which would be rediculous since its Skyfires sound...and unless your totally deaf, the keyboards are still there and it still SOUNDS like Skyfire. Fortunately, Skyfire wasnt going for Timeless Departure part II TB, sorry.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
i cant download anything from the minibosses page :confused:

I wanna hear the castlevania covers, I've always loved the music from castlevania!


The links seem to be down at the moment or something, because I couldnt download anything either... and for your information.. the Castlevania covers rock!!! :rock: