Just when I through skiing wasn't bad ass enough!


Apr 4, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
I've been away from here for a while as I was busy as hell, plus I've been away on a couple of ski trips out west - the first one to Park City, UT and the second one to Jackson Hole, WY.

Anyway, go figure that over at The Canyons in Utah, I find a ski run called "Heavy Metal". Naturally, I had to ski it! Of course, just to show how bad-assed heavy metal really is, it is also a black diamond (expert) run:

That is part of the new expansion this year. Right next to Heavy Metal is a diamond named Iron Man.

Were you out here for the dump we got two weeks ago?
A "Black Diamond" run?

Stratovarius FTW. :heh:

That is part of the new expansion this year. Right next to Heavy Metal is a diamond named Iron Man.

Were you out here for the dump we got two weeks ago?

That was about three weeks ago. I heard that there was a nice dump out there recently but I've already left at the time. When I was there they just had a twelve inch dump the night before so the skiing was awesome that day.
Glad you got some fresh while you were out here. January was terrible.
Well, that trumps Middle Earth at Sugar Bush. Someday I will ski out west. Today I'm leaving for another weekend in Vermont. They had a dump last week, but of course, it's raining right now. Should be fine for tomorrow. This is what you get when you're stuck skiing the east coast. I plan to take some photos if the weather is ok. Will post if I do. We'll see if Outer Limits sucks me in this time. That would be a double black diamond, but not so metal. ;)