Black neon bob said:
The best song is the first one so far..
Actually song 1 and 2 are parts of the same song, only they are something like 55 minutes apart

And song 2 was a rough mix, while song 1 is pretty much as close to the final version as can be (not mastered though)
What i meant with "how" is what did you use? guitars? drums? samples? (subliminal message - give them to me) and vocals.. im wondering what you did to it all..
Well... Let me try to remember (forgive me but the recording/mixing has been spread over the last 3 years...) :
Left rhythm guitar is Ibanez RG2027XVV (with DiMarzio Evolution 7 & Blaze pickups, L.R.Baggs piezo for the clean parts).
Right rhythm and lead guitars are Ibanez RG7 with stock pickups.
Running through TubeScreamer into Krankenstein into Mesa Cab into SM57 (or was it i5 ? don't remember, lol)
Acoustic guitar was an Applause... (gloups...)
Bass is Ibanez SDGR DI + the same signal through Guitar Rig 2 Demo.
Drums are Tama Rockstar Pro Deluxe 87 Edition (Toms 8", 10", 10" (yes, 2 10"s), 12", 13", 16", and two 22" kicks), cymbals are prety much Sabian AAX, UFIP and Paiste. SM57 used, MD421's too, I guess a pair of C414's were involved in part of the overheads, snare is miked top and bottom, 80% natural / 20% sample, kick is 100% triggered (3 kicks sounds blended, like I did for the Malmonde record if you remember (actually I did that for Kalisia before and took the same trick for Malmonde).
Voices were tracked with Rode NTK. Pretty much always doubled.
Choirs are 100 layered tracks (20 basses, 20 barytons, 20 tenors, 20 altos, 20 sopranos).
Keyboards are Korg Triton, Roland XP-80 (with many expansion boards), Roland XP-50, and various samples and VSTi.
I think this is it... We also recorded Saxophone, Flute, Violin, and a few other things but they are not in the sample so it's no use explaining
I think you might be tired of hearing this stuff Brett, and think it sounds "good".. but it's really that good as i make it out to be..
Now enjoy the fame and be prepared to be filthy rich!
I've been waiting for this moment, all my life
Oh Lord, Oh Lord
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight...