Kalmah V.S. Children of Bodom

Terminus Est

Dec 8, 2002
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Since both bands sound close to each other, in your opinion, which is the better of the two? Both bands I like, but I like Kalmah better. I don't know why but I just like it better. There are more Kalmah songs I like than COB songs I like. Plus Kalmah has more intelligent lyrics.

So what do you people think?
stop - right - here.

no more comaprisons between these two bands, please.
cos it's nothing but idiotic
each band is doing their thing - end of story.
I agree that there are probably too many comparisons between Kalmah and Children of Bodom, but I think it's fair enough to state which you like better and why. I personally prefer Kalmah. Not sure why, their music just seems to have more feeling behind it. Children of Bodom are quite talented, though, and I like them too.
This is just too fucking hard. CHILDREN OF BODOM, SKYFIRE,NORTHER AND KALMAH all fucking rule. They might sound alike but they all fucking rule and no one should pick favorites. Listen to all.
oh people...for fucks sake....both COB and Kalmah are fucking amazing band....but COB are still better than Kalmah...and we definatelly cannot compare this two band so much...
I am a big fan of COB...and I don't say Kalmah are not good...they're awesome. just that COB are one class better then Kalmah...for me...
its really hard to make a decision between these amazing bands: COB, Norther, Skyfire, Kalmah...I love them all and give them a big respect!!! !:worship: !:headbang:
Bodom sounds like Kalmah? Atleast not to me!

I think Kalmah is more like Catamenia, but Kalmah is a own style/sound, swamp style :) like all Spikefarm bands. Catamenia is lappland, Finntroll is troll etc. Bodom is Bodom, but for me they sound too "normal" (This is probably why Bodom is a Spinefarm band)...

Did you get my point? :p
ensiferum 1 said:
We all know that the best is Ensiferum :loco:

This is true.
Kalmah is a close second though. I still don't see the CoB/Kalmah comparison; Kalmah has much better vocals and very well structured guitar work.

child_of_bodom666 said:
oh people...for fucks sake....both COB and Kalmah are fucking amazing band....but COB are still better than Kalmah...and we definatelly cannot compare this two band so much...
I am a big fan of COB...and I don't say Kalmah are not good...they're awesome. just that COB are one class better then Kalmah...for me...
its really hard to make a decision between these amazing bands: COB, Norther, Skyfire, Kalmah...I love them all and give them a big respect!!! !:worship: !:headbang:

:worship:notworthy Couden't sad it better myself
I think it is plain stupid to make comparison between two awesome bands. Kalmah and Children of Bodom are both unique and special in their own way, you can never draw the two together.

However, Jaska Raatikainen is my idol drummer, and I have known CoB a lot longer than I have known Kalmah, which I only found out through Eternal Tears of Sorrow, so.. yeah, I'm a bigger CoB fan. :p
Morning Star said:
I think it is plain stupid to make comparison between two awesome bands. Kalmah and Children of Bodom are both unique and special in their own way, you can never draw the two together.

However, Jaska Raatikainen is my idol drummer, and I have known CoB a lot longer than I have known Kalmah, which I only found out through Eternal Tears of Sorrow, so.. yeah, I'm a bigger CoB fan. :p
you just took words from my mouth !:worship:
Jaska is the greatest drummer for me, too...I met him after their gig last month...its was awesome moment. He is my idol, too...and I hope I can play like him once :p

NP: Kalmah - My Nation