Karaoke after the Oliva show..

I'm definitely planning on sticking around. $2 donation is not pushing things and considering everything else going on, it is beyond fair!

That's pretty cool that the DJ has the equipment to notch out the vocals, but most of the prog/power stuff I like is WAY out of my range! I'll have to stick with something low like Kansas. :lol:

That list is kinda old; gotta update it. (And I'm not bringing all those down to Vinyl, just the metal CDs in my WREKage cases.) And I don't have any karaoke CDs. (Gamma Ray has one? That's kinda neet....)

So when you bring your "own" cd, does the machine still give you lyrics, or are you just expected to know them ahead of time?

You have to know them in advance, or write them down. Karaoke isn't rocket science. Well, it could be considered a branch of rocket science..... :lol:
I have a few CD+G cd's and a couple of Karaoke cd's without graphics that I will bring. The one's without the graphics(Helloween, Gamma Ray) are legit karaoke cd's but you have to know the lyrics or be able the read them quickly and look like a jackass doing it. The other Cd's are cool and have metal on them.:kickass::kickass:
I understand a little gnome inside the mysterious box of music listens attentivley and scribes the lyrics quickly before you can sing them. Dude, you now know how funny your qustion sounded right?bless your heart....

I'm glad some of you were able to find comedy in my question. However, there are karaoke programs that are pretty high-tech. I'm certainly no expert, but it wouldn't be hard to imagine putting in a cd and having the program look up the lyrics online for you, in fact I'm fairly sure that product already exists.
I'm glad some of you were able to find comedy in my question. However, there are karaoke programs that are pretty high-tech. I'm certainly no expert, but it wouldn't be hard to imagine putting in a cd and having the program look up the lyrics online for you, in fact I'm fairly sure that product already exists.

I thought so at first, but a cursory net search doesn't yield info on such a product. CD+G (CD plus graphics) are how karaoke machines display the lyrics, and some machines have "Vocal Remove" which is how we can play regular CDs. It's an interesting idea to have the machine search the net for lyrics, but I imagine it would have a difficult time deciphering "web code" vs "lyrics"... unless there is a corresponding website that is specially encoded for the machine's reader. Now that would be cool!

Okay, you thought of it, now get to work on it! You have 3.5 days! :cool:
I'm glad to hear that karaoke is still on. Glenn, I think most people will be willing to leave a donation, so you should do fine on that end. Now I just have to see if I can top my Rick Astley performance from the previous year.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I'm glad to hear that karaoke is still on. Glenn, I think most people will be willing to leave a donation, so you should do fine on that end. Now I just have to see if I can top my Rick Astley performance from the previous year.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I'm glad to hear that karaoke is still on. Glenn, I think most people will be willing to leave a donation, so you should do fine on that end. Now I just have to see if I can top my Rick Astley performance from the previous year.

Stay metal. Never rust.

A post so significant, it deserved to go twice. :)

What Astley song did you do again? I'm fairly sure I have you on video, and could put it up on YouTube.
I see $2 as money well spent for side-splitting entertainment.

I can't wait!

And I PROMISE not to sing. Everyone knows I sing bad anyhow...
I thought so at first, but a cursory net search doesn't yield info on such a product. CD+G (CD plus graphics) are how karaoke machines display the lyrics, and some machines have "Vocal Remove" which is how we can play regular CDs. It's an interesting idea to have the machine search the net for lyrics, but I imagine it would have a difficult time deciphering "web code" vs "lyrics"... unless there is a corresponding website that is specially encoded for the machine's reader. Now that would be cool!

Okay, you thought of it, now get to work on it! You have 3.5 days! :cool:

There are online lyric databases that can search for and download lyrics using metadata. And of course, if you insert a cd into a computer, (unless it was burned using cd-text, which is very rare) the artist/song titles have to be downloaded from an online database as well. It's a good idea, but because of all the hurdles I'm not sure it's been implemented yet.
I think the challenge is on for someone to convince Oliva to do a kareo-duet!

You gonna have to be very creative, but I will certainly plant the bug in his ear that the fans may try some crazy sh*t to get him on-stage with them. Trust me, after the last 3 weeks we have had, he is ready for a party.

And yes, the entire evening will be video-taped....so the duet thing might just turn out to be the most entertaining part of the night. I will do my best to convince him to participate.....of course Mr. Jager might take care of that for me!
