Katatonia in Holland!

It was a fkin goood weeknd :D

I want to thank all you guys who came along for the great time we had :)
Thanx spanish people for being so damnnn funny hehe and Vincent for waiting with me and Cerulean in the cold (pretty weird people in arnhem walking by haha :p)
Cis for using her car ;) Martijn for just being .... Martijn :p
Cerulean for the great company all together.
And thanx Irene and Nico for the great chinese - nighttime - almost - getting - kicked - out - and - being - served - by - angry - waitress - diner :lol: :p

And thanks to the members of the band (wich we abused for pics ;) :p )
and for their great preformances and their wonderfull music ...

Till the next tour ! :)

Edit:what an overkill on smilies haha sorry
Vincent J. said:
same here,
well, now we own a very unique setlist:zombie: :p

have to disappoint you, I have two lists from Germany with the same typo ;)
It´s exactly the same song order btw, so they might just have printed them out from one original file.
Pics from Arnhem: http://www.metalshots.com/2006-05-14_Katatonia_Arnhem/index.html

Look for yourself in this pic, I'm the grumpy looking guy above the girl looking into the camera, in the lower right corner :). I also see Ennui and friend.


And look at this one!
