Katatonia in Holland!

hi there,

i saw katatonia and novembre last night in arnhem, the last gig of the tour. i think it was a great final show. never saw the guys rocking the stage that way ;) both bands were great. ok, novembre's sound was a bit worse...

does anyone have a setlist of the novembre gig?

and, did katatonia play "murder" at all shows? i think, they didnt play it in arnhem. thats the setlist i got together so far:
Leaders, Wealth, Soil’s Song, Deadhouse, Teargas, Sweet Nurse, Deliberation, Ghost Of The Sun, My Twin, Criminals, Future Of Speech, Tonight’s Music, For My Demons, Sleeper /Encore/ July, In The White, Evidence

BloodySwan said:
[*lol* ... MadTinus' pics made my day *hehe*]
Haha, good to hear!
Traum:A said:
hi there,

i saw katatonia and novembre last night in arnhem, the last gig of the tour. i think it was a great final show. never saw the guys rocking the stage that way ;) both bands were great. ok, novembre's sound was a bit worse...

does anyone have a setlist of the novembre gig?

and, did katatonia play "murder" at all shows? i think, they didnt play it in arnhem. thats the setlist i got together so far:
Leaders, Wealth, Soil’s Song, Deadhouse, Teargas, Sweet Nurse, Deliberation, Ghost Of The Sun, My Twin, Criminals, Future Of Speech, Tonight’s Music, For My Demons, Sleeper /Encore/ July, In The White, Evidence

The encores on the whole tour were "Evidence" and "Murder", July and In The White were part of the regular set. They definitely did play Murder in Arnhem and in Katwijk as well, not in Den Bosch. I heard they played it in Essen as well and probably also during the gigs in between Den Bosch and Essen.
BTW! What was the deal with Anders and his handycam in the very beginning when they entered the stage? DVD stuff perhaps?
They did want to make a dvd before TGCD, but as we know it ended up as a bonus dvd for The black sessions. Seems only natural that they are aiming for a proper dvd now. I bet they plan to film a show, but don't wanna make any promises before they've seen the footage and deemed it good enough.

I've got high hopes as Nightwish would have said it.
Zowi said:
Cerulean (shook his hand and he was like ' ummm wft is he shaking my hand?' :lol:,

Ohh! My apologies mate, I didn't realise at all it was you!

Anyway, I just got home 5 minutes ago :)
People always say my face looks like I'm not enjoying anything but I honestly had a fantastic time, thanks all, and especially a big thanks to Juniper for her great hospitality.

Oh I got a drumstick and setlist by the way. I may scan the setlist when I feel like it.
Murder, at the end of the gig, was the coolest live thing I ever experienced, I fucking screamed my lungs out there.
The sound was pretty shit though :(
setlist was:

1: Leaders
2: Wealth
3: Soil's Song
4: Deadhouse
5: Teargas
6: Sweet nurse
7: Deliberation
8: Ghost of the sun
9: My twin
10: Criminals
11: Future of speech
12: Tonights music
13: For my demons
14: Sleeper
15: July
16: In the white
17: Evidence
18: Murder

I like the big setlist:)
Cerulean said:
Ohh! My apologies mate, I didn't realise at all it was you!
Haha, doesn't matter, already thought such a thing.. but then again I wasn't really making clear it was me, but I inmediately recognised you though! :p