Katatonia influenced....


Aug 21, 2003
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Ok I've been listening to Katatonia for as long as I remember, heavily and I have been influenced in various odd ways..

so i was wondering if any of you lot want to listen to a few of my songs.

Please listen to Pain Within first as its bascially the newest one,

and Deep Within Me is the most depressing one.

I found you is a bit of a one of really..

Rain is the oldest, some like it the most dont know why really


PS the band name has never really been decided and probably never will be!

Be as nasty as you want, it will never be as good as katatonia!
wow cheers, i never really realised how much they had influenced me..

I guess its the fact that I bought the AKG mic, and the GT-8 oh and recently i added an e-bow to my collection doesn't help..

Anyway glad you like it!

Oh and I know that Anders flirts around on these forums, wouldn't mind hearing what you think! (don't be too nasty though) but that GT-8 is a sexy piece of kit!! Just can't afford the Fernandes sustainer guitar just yet.
Very good dude...Indeed I liked it a lot;)The good thing is it's not total Katatonia influenced music but it's more like a mixture of Katatonia-Cure-Muse and we musicians know very well that it's a hard thing to make a mixture of such great bands;)Keep up the good work man.If you sign I will surely be buying your album:rock:
:rock: Hell yeah, man! Good stuff. All the tracks are great - Pain Within definitely has the Katatonia vibe to it while in Deep Within I can totally hear The Cure influence. And I just love the intro to "Rain."

Keep it up!
Ok I've been listening to Katatonia for as long as I remember, heavily and I have been influenced in various odd ways..

so i was wondering if any of you lot want to listen to a few of my songs.

Please listen to Pain Within first as its bascially the newest one,

and Deep Within Me is the most depressing one.

I found you is a bit of a one of really..

Rain is the oldest, some like it the most dont know why really


PS the band name has never really been decided and probably never will be!

Be as nasty as you want, it will never be as good as katatonia!

This is pretty fucking good! I love your music man:kickass:
I especially love Pain Within, I definitely will buy your album if you guys ever release one :) keep on the good works ,I added your myspace right away :kickass:
and of course they are pretty much katatonic:kickass:
That's really good man, certainly can hear Katatonia in there. Damn good job!
Can I download it somewhere out of my space? My lil' [fukked up with spyware'n other stuff] laptop cant handle the music plugin on that site...
And I'm really curious :)

Blakkheim I still haven't had a peak out of you, i trust you remain somewhat resiliant of a reply, come on please just one thought, its valued just as much after the others. (in fact i value too much!!)

Well, thanks to all you guys who gave your opinions, you've inspired me to take things up a notch or 2, so I have finally sorted out my band name, which is the same as my user name now (i hated strangedays to be honest)

plus I sorted myself out a dot com and stuff, its gonna take a while for it to all become active but if any of you guys want to add opinions either go to


or www.myspace.com/sleeperuk

and spill the beans, hope you like the name and I'll try to get some more songs sorted over the next few months.