Katatonia vs. Anathema

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I'm in agreement with just about everything DSM said in this thread...A Natural Disaster requires multiple listens and many of its atypical tracks work, and the emotion expressed on Judgement is genuine and I can definitely relate to much of it.

P.S. Personally, I think posting links to this poll in the respective forums is a bad idea because some asshole could use it to instigate a forum war, but go ahead if you want to...
Yeah, if you're gonna post the poll in the Anathema forum, you need to post it in the Kata forum as well to be fair. Yet still the better is winning. :grin:

Other than Serenades, Pentecost III and ALternative 4, Anathema is worthless. THough, those three releases are spectacular. Eternity is a turd. I need to email Vincent and request a $13 refund. Judgment is OK, I like the 5th track (I think it was), but I just didn't buy into the band's "feel sorry for me" attitude on this one. A Fine Day to Exit blew the big one.

Katatonia had more quality releases. I've never heard the demo, but Dance of Decembre Souls, Brave Murder Day, Sounds of Decay, and Discouraged Ones are all very good. I never did care for anything else.
I like both bands, but one of them I like enough to have spent over 1000$ on collecting their stuff. One of them has been with me in my mind for years, the lyrics have always had a profound effect on my life. From the "JHVA" demo tape to the "VIVA" lp KATATONIA is undeniably the SUPERIOR band. Dont take offence to my wording, it is simply the way I feel. They f-in ROCK!!
So like, since I like Katatonia, does this mean I should like, totally check out like, Anathema and some junk?
I am the bible.

I mean, thanks. I'll start with one of those first ]|[ then go from there.

EDIT: JayKeeley has now confused me.
I listened to half of it last night. Every time I thought "god DAMN this is good..." it was a Rapture song, so I know what to get next.
Their riffs made me pollute my britches with delight. The other stuff was pretty good too, so far.