Katatonia vs. Anathema

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Rapture is very good, with Futile being a bit more deathly than their lastest...

Now, to address some points:

To J: calling Anathema off key, yet hailing Katatonia confuses me as their vocalists are of the same ilk.

And when discussing a band's body of work, your remarks mean shit to me if you haven't even heard all of the albums of both bands...

Otherwise, stick to "I like the early Katanonia better than the early Anathema" or or vice versa, or... you get the picture.

Finally, in regards to posting the poll in the bands' forums, I don't give a fuck if some assmunch decides he wants to start a forum war. I think we here at the Royal Carnage house have shown that we are quite capable of defending our own and winning.

So, the next person who wants a mouthful of Man Batter, go ahead and start the fire... bring down the hammer...
Anyone know what's going on in the Rapture camp...their website has been mostly dormant since Withering was released two years ago...great album.

As for Anathema, I'm not sure if Alt4 would be a good starting point, there are some immediately accessible tracks like Fragile Dreams and Empty, but I found that album to be more of a grower (now my second favorite from them), especially its second half...Judgement would be a safer bet IMO.
Papa Josh said:
To J: calling Anathema off key, yet hailing Katatonia confuses me as their vocalists are of the same ilk.
Hailing Katatonia? Can you read? When did I "hail" Katatonia? I simply said they had more quality releases (which is the truth).

And if you'll read further, you'll notice I said I don't care for anything after Tonight's Decision. I totally agree that Jonas has off-key voclas, but Vincent outdid him in the crap department on Eternity and The Silent Enigma.

Strike 1.

And when discussing a band's body of work, your remarks mean shit to me if you haven't even heard all of the albums of both bands...
Lets see, I've heard every Katatonia album, except the demo (which is not an album), and every Anathema album except the latest one. I'd say I know what I'm talking about.

Strike 2.

Otherwise, stick to "I like the early Katanonia better than the early Anathema" or or vice versa, or... you get the picture.
See above. Get the picture?

Strike 3.

Who's next?
J. said:
Hailing Katatonia? Can you read? When did I "hail" Katatonia? I simply said they had more quality releases (which is the truth).
You take shit quite literally don't you? Does this cause you many problems in life?

Lets see, I've heard every Katatonia album, except the demo (which is not an album), and every Anathema album except the latest one. I'd say I know what I'm talking about.
Man, you don't EVER know what you're talking about... when looking into new bands, rarely do I take your word for it. :grin:

Consider yourself, pimpbitch slapped.
dead6skin6mask6 i think that IOfTheStorm deserves only a candle,maybe..maybe he is only kidding(he says that he is out of mind and we must be lenient)
...and on the one concert of Anathema,where i was ,i couldn't see any girls screaming with wet pants on their hands "VINCENT LICK MY PIERCED TIT"..??..
you are a girl right? You fuckin love Judgment while you dislike (or hate) Pentecost III (for example).
i may be wrong.
Maybe there werent tit pierced girls in that concert
wasnt it "pierced belly button"?
IOfTheStorm said:
well the most diehard anathema fans are girls - Defenders of metal's Justin Timberlakes.
Well, call me a girl then.

Justin Timberlake ain't that bad, there's worse... like Clay Aiken.

Timberlake is actually somewhat embraced by the black r&b crowd, a hard crowd for a white boy to crossover to, so I give him his props...

Plus, he was bangin' Britney... :hypno: yum..