kayo dot interview in lamentations of the flame princess

Uh wait, maybe not.

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Grrr stupid Earthlink! I'm not at home right now, I'll PM you when I get home. Thanks for trying though!!! :)
"Location: troy, mi, us"

Hey, why don't you use the power of your pretty avatar to persuade tha 'Dot to come here to Detroit?

I think I offered them $5 and a venue (my (mom's) house) to play in a while back, but no dice.
toby from the interview said:
The Antique for example, there's the sound of an antique Polaroid. What that sound is, there's a stanza of lyrics that wouldn't really fit in and we took a photograph of that stanza of lyrics and we put the sound in. So the camera is saying those lines.

Wow. I never noticed that.

That was a great interview.

And that avatar is great too. I used to have that christmas poster but I don't know what happened to it. :(

Anyway, I'm now totally bent on figuring the doublealbume puzzle out!

If anyone still wants that secret song, I can always post up a link.
Great intie, one of the more entertaining inties done with a band that I've read in a very long time.