
I really like Kent.....although some of their songs I could do without......a few of my favs are
Max 500
Musik non stop

a little different for my usual tastes.....but then again my tastes usually change up alot.......
Here in Sweden they are like one of the biggest bands around... Really popular among 13-16 year old girls :)

But yeah, I like them a bit, at least their early albums. Isola is a great CD.
Hey. I have a couple of Kent cd's. I think they are pretty good, although I havent listened to them in quite a while.
discouraged1 said:
dou yis guys prefer isola in swedish than english or the other way round?

I've just heard a couple of them in english, so... But from what i've heard I prefer the swedish lyrics.
Ha, people are talking about kent, must participate! :)

Since the release of Isola, kent have been THE dearest and the most important band for me. Isola is the album that I'd take with me on a deserted island; it's just one of those albums where everything's in its right place. It still visits my cd player almost as frequently as when it was newly released. I have both Isola and HH in English as well, but I gotta admit that I almost never listen to them. Those songs that exist only in English are ok, but it just feels like the other English ones are missing something compared to the Swedish versions...

I'm happy that kent pretty much got their "good old feeling" back on D&JD, after the slightly disappointing V&A. Can't wait to hear the new songs live, in that huge tent. :D I especially love Mannen i den vita hatten (16 år senare), it's just... great.
I like them a lot!

It could be that I'm going to Stockholm to see them on their upcoming tour.
Yet I don't know if there are still tickets available, hope so...because I should rush to take a decision..and book my flight....

Have only heard the single of their last album, nice song!
I love Isola too, but many other songs, some of their B-sides are also quite beautiful!
I also agree that the songs in Swedish ar much better than in English! Swedish is a really beautiful language, sounds very melodic.
Then it's a good way to learn it through Kent lyrics, which by the way are also beautiful!
Found my first Kent- album (Verkligen) by coincidence in a Norwegian record store some years ago and fell in love immediately, also made many of my friends like them. They are totally great and I enjoy singing along- very suitable music for parties at rainy norwegian camping sites, hehe...
I always wanted to see Kent live and now it seems this dream could come true :) Though I don't like big venues and thousands of people. But I don't have a choice 'cause they're so big in Scandinavia...