Kickass Metal Moments


Sep 7, 2007
Basically, just some point in a song that, regardless of the rest of the song, album, or band's entire discography, is just fuckin' badass.

No Remorse - Metallica - At the beginning, when Kirk comes in with that screeching lead over the thrashing riff. That moment is basically my ideal for thrash metal.

Slaves Shall Serve - Behemoth - Almost the entire song. :kickass:

Chains And Leather - Running Wild - The chorus. :headbang:

Death in Fire - Amon Amarth - After the solo when the band is playing slow and then they just suddenly go into the main riff and Johan comes back in.

Masters Of War - Amon Amarth - After the chorus when Johan screams "Fire!" and the crazy riff comes in.

Vital Remains - Dechristianize - When the melody comes in over the gallop and the vocals come back.
maiden - fear of the dark(live)
when the crowd starts singing along with the guitar harmony in the middle of the song...
wormed's geodesic dome, 1:50, good for the rawk (and the lulz, when the instruments all stop)

end of slaves shall serve

Rather pointless thread, IMO.

How many threads actually have a valid reason for existence?

A few examples:
Metal Apparel (Where do you shop?) - Liek, omigod, that black dahlia murder hoodie just wouldn't go with my uggs
Should Metal Bands Have Samplists? - Answer: No. \thread.
Avenged Sevenfold ticket comp - This is a metal forum.
The last 5-10 albums you listened to - who cares
Poll: Did you have a nu-metal phase - don't ask, don't tell, I say
And my personal favorite:
Announcing the launch of ZEPHYRBLOG!

So I don't see what's so bad about this one.
How many threads actually have a valid reason for existence?

A few examples:
Metal Apparel (Where do you shop?)

People might want to know where people get their stuff, so as for they themselves to buy it. A rather helpful topic, I'd say.

Should Metal Bands Have Samplists?

An interesting question that has raised some good discussion.

The last 5-10 albums you listened to

Knowing what's being listened to by a lot of people is a good way to know what's good. Plus, if you're curious about a certain band/album and you see that someone's listening to it, then you can ask them about that band/album.

Poll: Did you have a nu-metal phase

It's always been an interesting question how people have transitioned into their current state of musical taste.

And my personal favorite:
Announcing the launch of ZEPHYRBLOG!

People on this forum are more likely to read reviews by fellow forumers than any random blog. Plus it's a good way to get insight into more localized metal scenes, as I'm doing right now.

So I don't see what's so bad about this one.

Because it's not a topic that would generate any worthwhile discussion.
Because, like I explained for the 5-10 albums thread, people like to know what people are listening to, since people here are more likely to be listening to what's good. It's a good way to find new bands or ask people how a certain band/album is because you see they are listening to it.