killswitch engage

I had one of their albums on my HD for a while but it just sounded kind of like what Soilwork was doing, except I think Soilwork was doing it better. When I'm in the mood for that kind of music I'd much rather put on A Predator's Portrait.
AOJB was a really, really good album. No stupid breakdowns. The lyrics were had to do with independence and self improvement, and were generally very good. Jesse was a solid vocalist. The new lyrics are your standard emo fare, and Howard isn't as good of a vocalist. The End of Heartache is pretty bad. All songs have the same formula, and it's just not as inspired.

The band is still pretty decent live.
I wouldn't call Killswitch Engage "Opeth Awesome", but still I respect the guys for their obvious throwback to old school 80's metal. TEOH is a class album, I'd give it a 9.5, way better that Howard Jones' first band, Blood Has Been Shed. I got to see them live at the Jagermeister tour this past year and they absolutely killed. The band has amazing stage prescence and Howard Jones is by far one of the best vocalists I've seen live. Yes, I even rank with Akerfeldt as one of the best for sheer energy. Adam D is also an amazing musician, considering, he was the original drummer for KsE. You guys on here want to talk alot of crap because bands get some play or they sell some records. It's quality music for those aggressive days, straightforward, reminiscent of late 80's thrash with a little Maiden thrown in. Along with Unearth (who are also one of the best bands I've seen live) Killswitch Engage are carrying on the flag of Thrash. Who cares if they have breakdowns, it still will get you pumped. Jesse Leach was a pussy anyway. I own all of Killswitch's albums and TEOH is definitely the best of the three.
Now this is turining into a what is or what isn't thrash! What exactly is thrash, I always thought that thrash was 1980's metal that was played really fast ala metallica and such.
Just wanted to jump in on the 'These bands aren't thrash" action. KsE and Unearth are metalcore, not thrash.

@Sanzen: yes, I have quite a clear idea, I listen to a lot of thrash. I didn't call them thrash, I said they are thrash-y, which, let me spell it out, means is reminiscent of thrash. If you can't hear that in a lot of the riffing then maybe you have no idea what thrash is.


Metalcore bands are thrash-y, and the distinction I feel at times is a little bit lame, and perhaps unclear for people not familiar with the terms. Metalcore features a lot of thrash riffs, but with breakdowns and a few other trademarks. Also, many songs by these bands, such as pretty much anything by KsE (whether fronted by Howard or Jesse), feature a growled verse and sung chorus, or vice versa depending on the song although a few of these bands have barely any clean vocals. Another trademark is a lot of times the breakdowns replace a guitar solo, which marks a prominent break in the thrash tradition. Some bands (Unearth for example) still feature occasional or sometimes frequent solos, and some bands have one or two songs that are pretty much stripped down thrash songs on a metalcore album, bearing in mind of course the differences are small though significant overall. Also the 'growling' in many instances has more of a hardcore bent to it as opposed to a death or black metal one.

Another trademark of metalcore is that simply because it's a new genre "real" metal fans give it a lot of undue shit, many times b/c these bands' shirts can be found in hot topic and -gasp- teenagers like them. I'm not saying that Unearth or KsE or Shadows Fall (who I can't stand) are anywhere near bands like Opeth, but Unearth specifically I find interesting in terms of riffs and overall sound. KsE's "The End of Heartache" just sounded like an uninspired rehash of Alive or Just Breathing (which was an alright album, but not great) and I don't like Howard as much. The growls are fine but I can't stand his clean voice.

There are in fact many differences in thrash and metalcore, but in the end metalcore does feature thrash style riffing, and I mean riffing reminiscnet of thrash from any era, 80s, 90s, now.

I'm sure someone isn't even going to read all of this and then will tell me I have no idea what thrash is, and no idea what metalcore is, and no idea who Opeth are, and that I don't even know my own name. Fine.
@BreathingShadow: Yeah, I'm packing right now.

@Steedus: Umm, Jesse now fronts Seemless. They have a self-titled album. Not metalcore even though it's made up of former members of Mass. area metalcore bands. I doubt he'll be back in KsE as I it seems like everyone in Seemless has (musically) outgrown metalcore and its not exactly multifaceted confines.
I don't concern myself with which genre a band fits into. It has very little relevance. That said, I love "Alive or Just Breathing?". It has a ton of great riffs on it, and some excellent melodies.

I think calling it "Kid's Metal" is quite silly. What does that make Opeth, "Adult Contemporary Metal"?

I've never understood the need people have to insult music that they don't enjoy. I don't appreciate classical music, but I also have no need to poke fun of it.
