killswitch engage

shark22 said:
I think the song alive or just breathing kicks some serious a$$ parts of it remind me of opeth's deliverance.

wow, that's unfortunate.

I think Walmart had a recall on your ears about 2 years ago. :OMG:
KSE.......could've liked them if they weren't metalcore, but then again....
This band is sux nadz, not just to to blurt it out, but I heard them, and their expectations are really low for me to even it call music, more of a publicity stunt to attract nu-metal fans
shark22 said:
I think the song alive or just breathing kicks some serious a$$ parts of it remind me of opeth's deliverance.

Fucking shit dude, I will never take anything you say seriously after that post where you said, "I don't really like any death metal."

I mean, come on. Do you have any clue what you're doing on this forum? :( FROWNY FACE FOR YOU SIR.
^ No offense to you and I mean this in the kindest regards, but what is the point of your attacking everything that ppl say. I mean for shit's sake lighted the f-up! I can't stand ppl who have a know it all attitude like yourself, there are plenty others here who are fed up with your negativity also. If you disagree with something fine, but at least understand that not everyone likes all of the bands you like. This is METAL forum and we are all here as metal heads it's not a contest to see who can be the most tr00 or what ever you call it. Death metal is comical, funny music in my opinion I play it when I am in the mood for a laugh, once again no offense to you if you take it more seriously.
I saw them play in LONDON, ON in March earlier this year and WOW!
I think they put on quite a great show.
My room mates are all into them and I guess they kinda influenced me...

Theyre ok :)
bands like killswitch engage are good live because the crowds reactions are very energetic...yeah if the pit as about as big as a downstairs house with a bunch of girlies in the pits practicing their softball pitching then yeah the band of course is great live. MUSIC JUST GETS ME SO PUMPED UP.... "uuuaahh!!" ......00.."uuaaahh!!" 00 ........"uuuaaahh!!" 00 00 (CRASH) 00 00 (CRASH CRASH) 00 000 000 0 (CRASH CRASH) ::starts slaughter of the soul rip off riff::
7 9 7 7 9 10 9 7 ::tomas lindberg vocals begin::
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Clean chorus..."Deseo respirar su casa..." " que deseo otra vez pelar su gato vivo..." yo deseo el abrigo..." mismo alrededor de su poste de la camaaaaa"

First ever metalcore band in spanish.
Aiight so this is my chance to speak my peace about kse! They are the mother fucking best rockers... BUT ever since Howard came into the pic they started to lick! But hey Jesse loved it at the time, its just sad that he said that he lost his love for singing. He got super depressed. So now they have changed their image. They are too poppy now. But The first album and Alive or Just Breathing are amazing. Jesse David Leach is the mad note!! I feel that they had so much potential, and I got to hand it to Adam for making them where they are,, him being the producer as well. Anyways I got to love them... they are my heroes!!! I LOVE KSE!!
Killswitch is as close to emo as you can come without falling directly under the genre.

And they're about as low, shitty, and talentless as you can possibly go. Sure, you can name bands that suck worse, but that doesn't change the fact that both of their albums are just about as good as they are useful for wiping your ass with. I don't know if anyone has attempted to clean their rears with a CD before, but it doesn't work well.

"The new wave of American heavy metal" is a joke. It's simply a codename for the swarm of talentless, tasteless, illiterate bastards forming hardcore/mallcore bands today. The only good metal seems to be coming out of Europe, which sucks because I'm not very close to that. I'm hoping that America might broaden its vocabulary a little bit, take a look at songwriting, and ditch the fake rage bullshit that is fueling 97% of the bands coming from it. The chance of this actually happening is slim to none, but at least I have a hope.

In the meantime, I will pray that their will be enough fan mail going over to Europe to convince metal bands actually worth a damn to come over and play a few gigs in the states every once in a while. Behemoth in March! \m/

Also, good luck to any American here who desires to begin a Melodic Death, Folk or Technical Death metal band. My best wishes to you, and I will buy all of your CDs. That's a promise. The only thing I'll be "Bidding farewell" to is Killswitch and it's cohorts.
admit that its not for u but to bash a talent such as that. if you were a musician you would know. I am sure that not everyone would give two shits to the music that a you like. But as long as you like what you like its all good. Another person likes another band than you (you don't like them) leave it at that! Great for them. GEesh All men are the same... wtf can I say about that.. KSE WILL RULE HAHAH i am so funn
I really like Killswitch, and I think both of their last two CD's are good albums. I don't listen to them that much, and personally I think they're like a less appealing version of Trivium, who I really like (let the flaming begin :lol: ).
Decent band, don't see why people hate them so much.
Tell me you are kidding. I am a bassist for two bands of very different genres, and the leader/vocalist for one of those bands. One is a Melodic Folk Metal band based around Greek myth, and the other is a mellow, Alternative band that I am bassing for as a side project. If I didn't know musical talent, I wouldn't have recruited the keyboardist for my Folk band. He could put Per to shame, trust me - the guy is absolutely awe-inspiring.

KSE is simplistic in their musicianship. Their song structure is generic and repetitive. Their vocals are a schizophrenic mix of half-assed screamo shouts and fair vocals that do not blend well. Their lyrics are false and unmeaningful, designed to attract confused, adolescent girls such as yourself. They are a passing fad just like every other Screamo/Nu-Metal/Hardcore/Metalcore band that hails from the United States. They will pass into nothing within a year or two, left for dead by the constantly shifting tastes of the mainstream metal community. Before you tell me I haven't heard their "Good" songs, I own both their albums. They were a waste of time and one was a waste of good money.

I don't see why you have to disgrace the musical genius of Opeth by spamming their board with your Nu-Metal nonsense. Music such as Opeth's is timeless. They will be a huge force in the metal world even after they fade from the eye of the public view. Just to prove how versatile they are, my Melodic Folk Metal band is heavily influenced by their heavier content, and my friend's mellow Alternative side project is extremely influenced by them. A band that can encompass so many different styles of music are obviously something special. Please, leave this thread, leave this board, and, while you're at it, leave UM. We need no more Nu-Metal punks such as yourself.

Also, while you're at it, learn to spell, punctuate, and cut down on the cursing. The first two will help you communicate better and get a job, and the second will prevent you from sounding like a foolish, illterate girl who is trying to emulate her big, bad football player boyfriend. Read a little, expand your vocabulary, and listen to real, original metal such as Behemoth, Opeth, Nile, Cryptopsy, Death, Wintersun, Empyrium, Agalloch, and Amon Amarth. Then compare it to your current tastes.

Also, Liquid Diamonds, I don't mind Trivium as much. At least they know how to play their instruments fairly well.
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
KSE is simplistic in their musicianship. Their song structure is generic and repetitive. Their vocals are a schizophrenic mix of half-assed screamo shouts and fair vocals that do not blend well. Their lyrics are false and unmeaningful, designed to attract confused, adolescent girls such as yourself. They are a passing fad just like every other Screamo/Nu-Metal/Hardcore/Metalcore band that hails from the United States. They will pass into nothing within a year or two, left for dead by the constantly shifting tastes of the mainstream metal community. Before you tell me I haven't heard their "Good" songs, I own both their albums. They were a waste of time and one was a waste of good money.

I must agree with the simplistic musicianship. Killswitch Engage belong to a musical genre that is incredibly predictable and very unoriginal.
Shadows Skulk said:

:( :( :(

what a pussy of a band

"Why can't you see that I try
When every tear I shed is for you?"

That makes Opeth look like a pussy of a band as well.

Fuckhead :)