Killswitch engage

Nocturnal Emperor

Why so serious ?
Jun 8, 2002
Manchester United Kingdom
when i read about this group i thought they were just another nu metal group with their "we are the death of nu metal" publicity stunt but when i heard them i was very suprised they have great technical riffs good drumming and bass and a great vocalist. Anybody else like them ?
eh, they aint that great, that got some good riffing but theres also some elements of nu metal (which they manage to attract the crowd quite well)

overall, there is nothin really special about them, they are basically a clone of several other bands i give it a thumbs down

but this is just my opinion, but i could be wronge
I happen to have loads of Killswitch Engage mp3's (long story)...
Anyway, I wrote them off as a shit nu-metal band, but after listening a bit, I can hear some definate signs of guitar solos and clear melo-death influences. Although why anyone would want a band that plays shit nu-metal with some diluted melo-death influences when they could have the real thing is beyond me.
I like them. They do have some numetal in them, but like others have said, you can find some good stuff in the songs...

The vocalist on the recorded songs is not the current live vocalist... the poor foo couldn't sing in metal bars and stuff because he was alergic to cigarette smoke... so he left, and they have a new guy now...
come on people, don't be close minded. Killswitch Engage don't play nu-metal. if you are talking about the more chug-chug rhytmns etc, that is a total hardcore/metalcore influence. I doubt anyone in the band likes nu-metal, so how could it be an influence? just because it doesnt fit into any of the strict metal pidgeon holes they should be classed as some faddish nu-metal?

You might be surprised to know this band has been building themselves up in the underground for years in this band and previous bands (namely Aftershock and Overcast)

They have come from a punk/hardcore background, ala some of Shadows Fall.

"the death of nu-metal" was a cheesey marketing ploy by Australian Roadrunner Records, and had absolutely nothing to do with the band themselves. I've read interviews where they have even disagreed with the term altogether.

i dont think they should be billed over sentenced and dark tranquility though!