King Diamond Puppet Master


Okay, the title is a little bit cliche,' but I like what he's thinking about doing with the new disc. He's doing a DVD that will include
King himself describing what the story line is behind the concept disc.
I hope he includes this dvd with the disc. That would be killer. The bad part is that it's not due until October of this year which seems like an eternity right now.:yell:
Yes, it feels like an eternity with the long wait. But, I'm sure it will be worth the wait. The DVD thing is new to me. Didn't know a DVD was being included so that will be very cool.

How did you hear about the DVD?
sixxswine said:
It was on a week or so ago.

Oh, that site, heh. I never take what they put up as the 100% truth since they like posting on what kind of toilet paper musicians use and stuff. It's more like a tabloid. But, if it is indeed true that would be cool. Maybe the DVD will contain other stuff too hopefully.
TheShadowfiend said:
Oh, that site, heh. I never take what they put up as the 100% truth since they like posting on what kind of toilet paper musicians use and stuff. It's more like a tabloid. But, if it is indeed true that would be cool. Maybe the DVD will contain other stuff too hopefully.
well, when you're dealing with the internet NOTHING is 100% , but I will say that they used quotes from King D himself & Andy. They usually retract stuff when the bands get a hold of them & this didn't happen in this case. So take it for what it's worth I guess.
sixxswine said:
well, when you're dealing with the internet NOTHING is 100% , but I will say that they used quotes from King D himself & Andy. They usually retract stuff when the bands get a hold of them & this didn't happen in this case. So take it for what it's worth I guess.

Yeah, I know nothing is never 100% on the internet. I've been using the internet since 96 so I know this is certain. It's just that ever since Blabbermouth came to be, a lot of bands have come out for them being shit talkers, and not getting their facts straight.

Also, with Blabbermouth: Am I the only one who thinks that the people who respond to the articles are complete idiots?
TheShadowfiend said:
Also, with Blabbermouth: Am I the only one who thinks that the people who respond to the articles are complete idiots?

I have noticed that the majority of the people that reply to the articles, are a little over the top with their replies. Everyother comment is flaming the previous person....
That's a big turn off. I haven't checked out anymore of those "replies," why waste the time you know? As for them being idiots? Well, if you'd like to call them that. :p
sixxswine said:
I have noticed that the majority of the people that reply to the articles, are a little over the top with their replies. Everyother comment is flaming the previous person....
That's a big turn off. I haven't checked out anymore of those "replies," why waste the time you know? As for them being idiots? Well, if you'd like to call them that. :p

I check the replies every once in a while if the article being posted is about a band I like, and it's usually full of trend fuckers who shoot down the bands that aren't the trend of the week.

Calling them idiots, to me, is being a bit considerate, heh.
SLAYER85 said:
i love king diamond, i cant wait to see him live, something ive been looking forward to for a very long time.
I've Never seen the guy live myself & would kill at the chance.
I will talk the old lady into seeing him live for the upcoming tour...
I'll buy her some of those fancy ear plugs that block out all sound.
And have her close her eyes...
Unfortunately she doesn't care for Metal...
Yes, I have been fortunate to see King live just once...and am anxiously awaiting another tour. Hopefully there will not be another cancellation.
~Dark Regards,
/Kim Petterson