Kissing the shadow solo....


Satch \,,/
Apr 15, 2002
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Looks like everybody is putting some of their own records around here, so we recorded with Hatebreeder86 the Kissing the Shadows end solo. I play the guitars and he plays the keys.
ClickHere to download it.
Sorry for that:( . I really didn´t notice that thread is for stuff like this, but if I had put this over there I don´t think many of the board members would have noticed this:erk: .
Originally posted by Suatana
Sorry for that:( . I really didn´t notice that thread is for stuff like this, but if I had put this over there I don´t think many of the board members would have noticed this:erk: .

I'm happy that other guys here play COB solo and stuff, should we start a new COB-Solo-Thread? What do you think! After all we are two!
Great playing man :D

I actually recorded the first minute of that song some weeks ago

I'm into the idea of recording the whole song....
@Gnuckell: that's great!
some time ago when i got that little solo after the first verse in my acoustic guitar i thought i was gonna be Alexi in a week haha... thanks for ruining my dream! :p