Klimt 1918


New Metal Member
Aug 8, 2003
South Italy
If You Like Novembre, Anathema, My dying Bride try out this BAND!

Registred under the watchfull eyes of Carmelo and Orlando.

Klimt 1918 "Undressed Momento" its one of The Best Album I ever heard!
Only clean Vocals in this album!
Really Impressive!
Maiden_NZ said:
cool thanks , how can i hear these guys ? :)

As already suggested by the undersigned a few threads ago,
in which we were asked to write about what we were listening to at the moment, you can hear this marvellous Italian act right here:


Check out the 'samplers' section
and enjoy the most divine vocals ever
not to mention what the music is!!!
Hmm, the sample for Schmerzwerk 1976 ruled, but the other two didn't really sound like Novembre or anything at all...they were kinda cheesy and sounded a lot like ENTWINE which is a bad thing. I'd have to hear the whole album before deciding to buy it...I got Room With A View's cd based on the club epoque sample and the rest of it was kinda crappy and since it was on the same label I don't really trust them :-D
Of course, "Schmerzwerk 1976" from their debut promo-cd is an outstanding song, but it's even dated 2000! I think that even the other two songs are grand. Of course, they don't exactly sound like Novembre at all. On the debut album there is probably one only song which reminds of Novembre and is the last one "Stalingrad Theme", that is really worth checking out if you have the chance, especially the opening recalls the first records of Novembre, as well as something of Opeth. By the way, Klimt is definitely more catchy than everything Novembre have ever composed so far, that doesn't mean that they're better or worse in my opinion.
However, supposed that everyone has its own likings, I don't absolutely think that Klimt 1918 sounds a lot like Entwine, sorry.
The site itself sucks. The band is simply delicious. I love their guitars sound and entire CD production, simply lovely! I sugest you to listen to the "stallingrad theme" track, my favorite :) The voice is nice, however I prefer Mikael or Carmelo's voice. It's another band to add to my cd's stack.

Thank you to whoever told us about it!
Hi guys!
Just to let you know that I've finally put online a website
- or something like that - dedicated to Klimt 1918.
If you wanna have a look, you can visit www.klimt1918-fever.net
and perhaps you can let me honestly what you think about it.

P.S.: Tomorrow nite NOVEMBRE will finally play again in my town :rock: , after about 5-6 years of absence. It's just a pity that their guitarist Massimiliano won't be able to play and the band will use a recorded basis of his parts... :err:
It's the Gothic Easter Tour, with other bands as Handful of Hate, Ain Soph and Asterius... it's gonna be an interesting night I guess.
Wildhoney said:
Hi guys!
Just to let you know that I've finally put online a website
- or something like that - dedicated to Klimt 1918.
If you wanna have a look, you can visit www.klimt1918-fever.net
and perhaps you can let me honestly what you think about it.

P.S.: Tomorrow nite NOVEMBRE will finally play again in my town :rock: , after about 5-6 years of absence. It's just a pity that their guitarist Massimiliano won't be able to play and the band will use a recorded basis of his parts... :err:
It's the Gothic Easter Tour, with other bands as Handful of Hate, Ain Soph and Asterius... it's gonna be an interesting night I guess.

It's a pity that he won't be at those gigs... I'm gonna see Novembre again on Easter evening too.... at Transilvania Live (Civitanova Marche)
Anyway also Ensoph (not Ain Soph) is a great italian band that recently recorded a new disc... if u can read italian check the review out! They shocked me a lot!
Sorry, it's Ensoph... Ain Soph is just another band!
I liked 'em however, though it's totally a different style from Novembre.
Although Massimiliano didn't play, the performance went fine the same and I had a lot of fun even this time! Here is the play-list for those outside Italy who couldn't be there:

(HOMECOMING - it was written on the play-list, but the band didn't play it)
Wildhoney said:
(HOMECOMING - it was written on the play-list, but the band didn't play it)

The same as Civitanova Marche's gig (4/11)... but they played Homecoming too.
Yesterday night Carmelo was very out of tune... but his guitar work was awesome! But the true rulers of Novembre were Fabio Fraschini & Giuseppe Orlando with his drum solo!
yes, make a bootleg!..
i can hardly imagine i could ever have the chance to see them live.. Flower, Nostalgiaplatz, Homecoming, My Starving Bambina live on stage, a dream like :(

and Klimt 1918 are a great band indeed. got their album for a couple of days, playing it all the time now!
"Naif Watercolour" is my favourite right now..
we've got some other listener of Klimt 1918 here... welcome!
Have a look to my site about this band; it's anything special, compared to their musical proposal, but I'm making it with a lot of passion.
Coming soon the live report and the pix I shot last Sunday in Milan when I caught them live... unfortunately they played only half an hour and had to exclude from the set both the title-track and "Naif Watercolour" - that is also my fave, along with "We don't need no music" - although a lot of guys screamt for this last one... hopefully next time.
thanks for the advice, i was on your site already and found it very informative and good structured while the official one is kinda confusing; i'll wait for the update and your pics.
for all that the gig must have been a great experience, lucky italians.
for sure are there other great songs on "Undressed Momento", "Naif Watercolour" carried me away right after the first lestening though.. hmm, the first 30sec on "Pale Song" have such an indescrible atmosphere.. a feeling as if i'm fading..
Wow, thanx for visiting my website and for appreciating my work!
I've problems too with the official website, unfortunately, probably due to my server.
You can already find some new live pix of the band of the gig in Milan.
And think that this Saturday they'll support Katatonia in the south of Italy
(I'm gonna see Katatonia too, but in Milan, and there are 2 italian bands), should be a dream for them! Again many thanks and keep on visiting my site!
I post it here as I've also already written on my fan-site - maybe it could be of interest for someone of you out there:

Yeaaahhh! I can finally tell it to everybody, cool! As already preannounced me a couple of months ago by Paolo, when I met him during the Agglutination Metal Fest., Klimt 1918 left My Kingdom Music (even if the deal provided the release of a second album too) and signed for the German Prophecy Productions, the label of the various Antimatter, Autumnblaze, Blazing Eternity, Empyrium, Ewigheim, Green Carnation, In the woods..., Leakh, Tenhi, The Vision Bleak... Here is the message directly from the web-site of the label:

New Prophecy Signing - Klimt 1918 - 22.10.2004

Italian hopefuls in melancholic music, Klimt 1918, will release their new album via Prophecy next year. After nostalgic notes of the debut "Undressed Momento", the new album "Dopoguerra" exceeds melancholy and forces to go ahead and to hope. Nine songs of comforting and emotional music. Klimt 1918 combine the Italian atmosphere of artists like Canaan or MonumentuM with the melancholic rock of Anathema and Katatonia. You'll need of it like the smile that's born from tears.