Knyghtsbane - Dynamic Metal from Atlanta

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
new studio project from the lead singer of Eclipsed By Sanity...

Arising from the mind of a young, up and coming metal frontman and lyricist, Knyghtsbane is an idea that is slowly but surely going to become a reality for Atlanta local, 'Patrick Hoyt' Parris. Knyghtsbane's first incarnation was conceived in the summer of 2007 with the desire to create a definitive sound in Atlanta's struggling metal scene that has long been over saturated with cookie-cutter death metal and hardcore bands.

While focusing on Eclipsed By Sanity and finding a steady niche to work around, Patrick has been extremely fortunate to have found AIM graduate 7 & 8 string guitarist, David Prince (ex-Halcyon Way) along with gaining the drumming insight of close friend, Shawn Benson (Theocracy).

With true progressive, melodic, power metal bands shining through the monotony of today's Local Metal scene, Knyghtsbane hopes to provide a unique breed of sound with a few guest appearances from the Local, Regional, and even International Metal scene.

Knyghtsbane welcomes you along this journey...

a few advance reviews:

"AWESOME!!! I like the structure of this tune...great job with the vocals!!! very cool to hear [Patrick] singing in a different style. The vocals in the chorus are performed EXTREMELY well, making for a very catchy hook throughout! I'm anxiously awaiting the opportunity to hear more from this project!"

"VERY heavy-duty guitars, gainy and strong, NOT buzzy and aggravating to listen to at loud volumes. EXCELLENT kick drums, and that's some deeeeeeep bass. I'm really digging the tag-teamed heaviness in the percussive parts, and the two-guitar harmonies when they play fills and certain melodies. Cleans are very buttery and smooth. Great solo (too short!). Nice ring to that guitar tone. Chimes out as he plays, but could be just a little louder in the mix for that part."

"That was quite good! I very much enjoyed the crunchy guitars and Patrick’s voice was very clear and strong!"

Right on! Patrick is a dynamic and multi-talented performer, as I have personally witnessed from his days in Theocracy and his current gig with EbS! Best of luck to Patrick and all involved with this new project! I know you are so proud, Hoyt, and so are we! Long live Atlanta metal!
I hope everyone enjoys our debut song. Any amount of feedback is welcome whether it be here or on our myspace. Obviously I approached this song differently when it comes to my normal vocal style, and I'm quite proud of the way this turned out. David Prince is a madman when it comes to writing and I couldn't have asked for a better musician to help make Knyghtsbane a reality.

You WILL be seeing/hearing more from this project in the near future.​
yes, not to mention its hard (not impossible) to play a two man show especially if one of those guys aren't a drummer. I don't plan on learning drums anytime soon either.

Too much gear to lug around! :heh:

Checked it out from work, sorry I had to bail on the chat, I just so happened to be at my desk when I saw you, and I needed to finish some server installs.

Cool tune, I dig it. Definately want to hear more! :rock:
LOVE the song...I am a huge fan of Patrick's voice as I have told to Hoyt on NUMEROUS occasions! looking forward to more of this in the future.
Cool tune, I dig it. Definately want to hear more! :rock:

We're working on a new track as I type...a faster...more devastating track. As well as making some arrangements on another song we're piecing together from David's solo material and adding to/taking from.

LOVE the song...I am a huge fan of Patrick's voice as I have told to Hoyt on NUMEROUS occasions! looking forward to more of this in the future.

I appreciate that, and I've always been proud to have your support Stan!

I am very much looking forward to the day when this project finally hits the stage!

:lol: Clay, Im sure you'll be the first to see the post and the first to reply, your dedication to the local scene is, without question, relentless. :rock: