Krank Rev into Mesa OS (Metaljonesy AILD Cover)


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
This is an AILD cover that Metaljonesy was doing. How does this guitar tone sound? There are 2 files, one is the RAW guitars (as recorded, no post processing) and the other is them slapped into a roughmix mp3 he provided. They are also RAW in the roughmix. I am trying to get a nice smooth/rounded tone out of the Rev.

Too dark? Just plain shit? OK? Somewhere in between?


Just Guitars

Thanks for any feedback. :kickass:
That rev sounds crisp as shit man.

Sits perfect in the mix as well, especially everything being raw. Are you planning on doing an actual mix of it?
Sounds great, I think you've captured the dynamics of the guitars perfectly. Really punchy palm mutes without being boomy. There's a bit of harshness to the highs but it's mostly noticeable in the beginning.

Great work :headbang:
that sounds really nice dude, love the low end but could be a bit too much? maybe justs needs a slight eq there to tighten things up, really warm and powerful. to my ears (especially if im going from the original) a tad more in the hi's and a bit more gain maybe. or maybe back off on the bottom end to open the top. other than that i realllyyy dig it. want to get tones like that from my rev jr raw :(

whats your chain here before the amp and how its miced? and amp settings?
Sounds good dude, though I think it's the bass (and possibly the kick) that's too muddy in the low-mids (rather than the guitars), I feel it/they could use some taming (though the guitars are woofing a bit on the palm mutes). I'd like a bit more presence to the guitars to get 'em to sizzle a bit more, but they sound great - just sell that 6505 and be done with it, the Rev sounds SO much better IMO :D And I don't hear an excess of hi-end that you were complaining about at all in this tone, so kudos - if anything, as I mentioned I feel it could use a bit more! (but from the amp, not mic position) Top speaker or bottom?
Gotta agree with Metaltastic, the bass seems to be the main reason of the muddyness, although the guitars should be compressed a bit on the lows...
Really great tone btw, sits already pretty well on the mix...
I think I'm hearing some kind of "hum" on the right channel around 30-50 secs... I don't know, could it be the DIs or just my monitors getting interferences as always with all the crap I have in my room :lol:
ahh! that's some nice shit right there! Rev's sound so damn good through V30's. the perfect speaker for that amp, imho.
That guitar tone is the tits, although I think the overheads need to come up and the bass down ever so slightly.

I wan't a revvvv soooooooooo bad because of your clip haha

Sounds good dude, though I think it's the bass (and possibly the kick) that's too muddy in the low-mids (rather than the guitars), I feel it/they could use some taming (though the guitars are woofing a bit on the palm mutes). I'd like a bit more presence to the guitars to get 'em to sizzle a bit more, but they sound great


Good round/polished modern 5150 style guitar sound.
That guitar tone is the tits, although I think the overheads need to come up and the bass down ever so slightly.

I wan't a revvvv soooooooooo bad because of your clip haha


Just get a Rev. Jr dude! And an EMG 81 from yours truly to run through it... ;)
Thanks for the feedback. Listening today I agree on the boominess and a little darkness so thanks for your perspective. :kickass: That should be easy to fix given the amp settings I used. Yes guitars are double-tracked. Marcus, I do prefer the Rev as well over the 6505 *puts on flak jacket and helmet*. I have heard many great tones from the 5105/6505 though so I must be doing something wrong or mine is busted :lol: (well it is at the moment, I burnt out 2 screen resistors by biasing the JJ's at meltdown settings. :lol: :headbang:).

Settings were (out of 10):

Pres 3 (the reason for the slight darkness)
Sweep 4
Bass 10 (the reason for the boom)
Mids 4
Treb 5
Master 2
Gain 7 (I tamed the actual gain a little with my current tube arrangement)

Mic was covering about 45/55 % Dustcap/Cone respectively around 15mm away.

Thanks again for the replies.

PS, Marcus, it was a Top speaker.
Oh you'll get no argument from me on preferring the Rev to the 6505 dude, the latter works awesome as a blend amp, but I really don't like how smooth it is compared to the grind of a crank or the bark of a Rectifier.

And what the hell is a choke anyway?