Krank Rev Jr. Vs Blackstar HT5


New Metal Member
Nov 9, 2008
In need of a high gain low wattage tube amp and have narrowed my shortlist down to 2.

The Krank Rev Jr Pro and Blackstar HT-5

I've had a good dig about on the forum (this is my second post) and the Krank seems to be held in high regard....correct me if I'm wrong. Will I be able to nail a KSE tone with the Jr?

Also, anyone heard much about the new Blackstar HT-5?
Rev Jr. is literally like a tiny version of the Rev1. Scored one off of a member here recently and I'm loving the little bastard! It's really f'in loud too. Encompassing the entire room to where you can't hear yourself think with the master on like 3.5 :lol: Going into my Mesa os 4x12 :)

I'm actually working on a few death metal songs that hopefully I can have finished soon, got a bucket-'o-riffs, just need to program the drums and lay the riffs down, track vox and mix it. Will be using the Rev Jr. with impulses.

I have an Epiphone Valve Jr. as well which is 5w tube, it's really loud as well, gets to like the same volume as my Bugera (120w tube) with the master on 2. But the Krank is much louder, to give you an idea of the difference since the Blackstar is also 5w. I would actually advise to get the Rev Jr. Pro if you plan to use it live so that you can have channel switching in between songs, switch to clean with the clean volume all the way down, etc.

Yeesh, from what I've heard, the Blackstar is some loose bluesy amp, no thanks - between the two, I honestly am amused that you'd even have to ask! However, don't forget the Orange Tiny Terror, cuz I fucking love mine - check out the top clip on the soundclick player on my myspace in my sig (Tiny Terror Test 2, very self-explanatory), that's it going through my Mesa Stiletto 4x12. One caveat is that it NEEDS a TS practically as much as a Recto does, but since a $40 TS7 is identical to a $100 TS9, that's an easy enough investment!
Cheers guys..... would the Rev Jr Pro benefit from an OD808 to tighten things up further??

Bit pissed today - contacted Machinehead in the UK (they sell Krank) and they aint getting any of the Rev Jr Pros in stock!! ARGHH!!
FWIW I played a Tiny Terror through a Mesa 4x12 today and was floored by how good it sounded, very 'Orange' (obviously), but shit, it sounded so thick and big. A TS would get you into tight-modern playing territory for sure. However if you have the extra cash I would wager that a Rev Jr would be even better for KsE. My Dad actually has an HT-5 on order (they aren't released yet) so I'll do a mini review when it arrives.
Awesome guys, do any of you (looks at 006) have a KsE type of tone dialled in on your Rev Jr?

If you could record a clip of that tone for me it would be very much appreciated.
BUMP peeps - just read THIS

Shame it doesn't go into much depth re. the tonal variations in distortion.... Gorath23 will be very interested in what you and your Dad make of it.....

BUMP peeps - just read THIS

Shame it doesn't go into much depth re. the tonal variations in distortion.... Gorath23 will be very interested in what you and your Dad make of it.....


I think that's the review from Guitarist magazine. Regardless of tonal + distortion range I think this is going to be a killer amp. I plan on buying a boost for my soon-to-be-acquired Tiny Terror, so I'll throw that in front of the HT-5 to see how heavy it can get. I won't promise clips as I suck at micing up amps, but I'll certainly give it a go.
I honestly don't listen to much KSE other than on internet radio, every once in a while My Curse comes on. Other than that, it's the Holy Diver cover on the radio occasionally, which I don't listen to very often to begin with. I'm sure it can...Krank is their sound from what I understand. Or mostly anyway... Short answer: no, I do not have a KSE tone dialed in. I'm more worried about getting my sound out of it. :)

So maybe we can fucking HEAR it one of these days, Mike? ;) How have you had that thing for so long and not (to my knowledge) poasted any clipz?!?
So maybe we can fucking HEAR it one of these days, Mike? ;) How have you had that thing for so long and not (to my knowledge) poasted any clipz?!?



OT: I would take the Krank anyday. In fact I'm looking at maybe getting the Krank Jr. Pro and a 2x12 of somekind.
i'm sitting next to a rev jr. on top of a vertical 2x12 right now, and it's fucking sweet...

acually it's a horizontal 2x12, but i threw that shit up on its side to save some floor space
Good to see this thread is getting some attention LOL....

Agreed with sporiad - would be great to have the br000tz on tap from the baby Krank!! What are the Rev Jr cabs like? Those eminence speakers carry the can well?

@ colonel kurtz - ya lucky sod!!

Oh - guess how much I was quoted for the Rev Jr Pro half stack!???


Anyone know if decent places in the UK which stock them , pref'd with the chromed faceplate.

No idea about the Rev Jr. cabs, I was personally looking at getting something else for a 2x12, hopefully something with V30s or Greenbacks. From what I've heard of the krank cabs as a whole is that they're alright but not awesome.

Hey mullet, is that an Ibanez S320 you got as your avatar? If so that's my axe too, only I've got an EMG81 in the bridge with the stock pup in the neck position.
No idea about the Rev Jr. cabs.........from what I've heard of the krank cabs as a whole is that they're alright but not awesome.

Hey mullet, is that an Ibanez S320 you got as your avatar? If so that's my axe too, only I've got an EMG81 in the bridge with the stock pup in the neck position.

Cheers bud, small form factor is essential for me so probably will end up with the Krank cab.

My guitar is an LTD-JD600 Jon Donais sig....85 in the bridge 81 in the neck, my other axe is an ESP M-II NT
In my hunt for a Rev Jr. Pro in the UK it did sweet FA..:loco:

That model is the Rev Jr..... looking for the Pro model with the footswitchable clean channel... :(