Krank Rev Jr. vs. Orange Tiny Terror


Jan 10, 2005
Well, I can't decide. Both are the same price brand new, I like both of them. They will be used to blend with Bugera 333 (warmer XXX clone), Laney GH100L, Engl FireBall, Dual Recto and anything a client brings in. Clean tones really aren't a big deal, but both have great cleans. I feel like the Krank cannot stand on it's own in a mix, but a few clips I've heard recently have me thinking otherwise.

I personally prefer the Orange, but I'm old-school that way. Plus, I don't really trust the Krank stuff yet, after all the horror stories I've heard. We have a Rev @ the studio, and I haven't used it for anything yet. I guess that's kinda lame though. :lol:
for live I'd choose the rev jr. (5 watts more), for bedroom the orange (can be switched to 7 watts). But since you'll probably use it for studio only it depends if you're doing some crunch stuff also. maybe I'd pick up the orange, because you already have more high gainers. LSD showed he'll get 5150/rev/recto quite close anyway, so pick up the orange

did you check out this video:
the guy waves his head quite gayish, but the tiny terror does metal quite well (unexpectively)

just watched the end it's boosted though
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for live I'd choose the rev jr. (15 watts more), for bedroom the orange (can be switched to 7 watts). But since you'll probably use it for studio only it depends if you're doing some crunch stuff also. maybe I'd pick up the orange, because you already have more high gainers. LSD showed he'll get 5150/rev/recto quite close anyway, so pick up the orange

+1... very sound reasoning.
Yeah, I have watched that video, numerous times I might add haha, and that's probably the video that assured me the TT can do heavy tones. There is another video though of a dude tech-death'ing it up with a Krank Rev Jr. and it sounds a-fucking-mazing... then again, his video doesn't use the audio from the camera but rather the recorded (mic) audio, whereas the TT video is with the camera's mic, so it's not exactly "fair."

Also, the head may be used for live stuff, I still don't think I can trust the Bugera enough for live use unfortunately. And in that case, with the FX Loop engaged and turned up all the way the Rev Jr. can supposedly get basically as loud (perceivably) as a 40/50W tube head. I know people have said the TT is a lot louder than you would expect...but there haven't been any comparisons for either of them as far as dB levels that they can reach.


There is another video though of a dude tech-death'ing it up with a Krank Rev Jr. and it sounds a-fucking-mazing...

yea, i know which one you're talking about...that vid totally sold me on those little beasts

and that guy raped the holy hell out of south of heaven in that video...i can't stand guys who think that every note they play when they're doing metal has to be a fucking pinch harmonic
I know people have said the TT is a lot louder than you would expect...but there haven't been any comparisons for either of them as far as dB levels that they can reach.

Well, to halve perceived volume, the wattage must be 1/10th of the original. It means that a 10 watt amp is half as loud as a full-blown 100 watt amp.
Dude, Mike, come on - the Orange might be ok, but the Krank just fucking kills, and I'm fully convinced after hearing stuff on here (mostly by Guitarhack, search for threads he's started and you shall hear the awesomeness) that it sounds bitchin' by itself. Orange, eh...still too "classic" for me, I want a Rev. Jr., and there's absolutely no contest! :headbang:

Edit: Here it is: It has such an awesome grind that I've never heard any other amp match...not so much a crunch, but a grind OOOOOHHHH GAS GAS GAS
Well I own the tiny terror and my best friend just got the krank rev. JR, he just returned the krank and baught a tiny terror because we tried them side by side and we both prefered the tiny terror, it has a rezally natural compression and has tighter bass than the krank.

I love my TT, it can also be loud enough to play with drums !!
Marcus I KNOW!!!! But I have always wanted an Orange RockerVerb50 man, or even the 30W. This is really hard because I 100% agree with you about the grind, that's something that definitely turns me on to Krank, but as I said I've had a hankering for an Orange for a very long time...literally for several years. What I like about the Krank sound is the grind and the rawness that the overall sound has. It's definitely unique, and something I want. I think because most of my work is with heavier bands, and moreso of the "tech" genre lately, the Krank Rev Jr. will be the better choice. It has a voicing that is more suited to heavier music, IMO, while the Orange has a typical British sound, which isn't bad (don't get me wrong here), but it may not work as well for my needs.

Besides, they are so cheap I can probably get the TT by the end of the year so I'll have both. I want both anyway, haha.

the thread should be Krank Rev Jr AND Orange TT

i think as most of you know, ive already got the krank rev jr, and want the orange for the southern rock/clean tones, however ive spotted those blackheart amps and ive heard the reviews are pretty wicked on em, so im tempted at picking one of these up:

Its a gud £100 cheaper than the TT, still has the EL84's for the 'british' crunch, and has a bit more control over the EQ. at the mo i cant justify the extra £100 on the TT (even though they are great) its not gnna be an amp im going to use all the time (unlike the krank) as im a metal player for the most part so this thing would only be for studio use!
... It has such an awesome grind that I've never heard any other amp match...not so much a crunch, but a grind OOOOOHHHH GAS GAS GAS

+1, exactly!

Even in my crappy camcorder mic'd clips the grind/snarl/bark can be heard when I dug into the strings with the pick. It's an aggressive sonofabitch:

^Put's on flakjacket and helmet^
I actually prefer the Rev over the 6505 for it's pure aggression and bark. I find the 6505 somewhat more refined (well mannered) in comparison (still a great friggin amp of course). The 6505 might cut through a mix a bit better but the Krank grinds your nads harder. :lol:
I'm not so sure about the blackhearts. they're too cheap to be true, if you know what I mean ;)

Tend to agree, but if a sketchy one to buy sight unseen and unheard, but I like taking risks, and £200 ain't really all that much! Worst case scenario, I bet you can goose it and make it sound good, or even run the Rev Jr preamp through it's EL34 poweramp.
I've a friend who's getting into building amps and pedals and stuff. He built a small power marshall clone that turned out really nice, he's after telling me he can convert one of the small harley benton tube amps into a Tiny terror for "mad cheap".
I'm seriously thinking of getting a small power tube amp for recording after the summer. I didn't even know the kranks were available as just heads in europe!