If I told you that a Krank is almost identical to a Crate BV, would you still want one?
Well all of them made after 1994/serial # 3000 are the same technically (there were no more revisions to the circuitry), so I'd say just look for the usual ebay things: good feedback and good price! Those both seem a bit expensive, but that's cuz they're in such great condition cosmetically (and the top one includes a footswitch and cover, which are both essential IMO) - still, the convenience of buy-it-now can't be overstated, though you could probably get a better deal (~$1100) if you searched around and played the bidding game on some others (but GOD do I hate doing that...)
Nice choice man!I'm gonna post some clips comparing 6L6's and EL34's in mine, so that might help you out as well!
If I told you that a Krank is almost identical to a Crate BV, would you still want one?
If I told you that a Krank is almost identical to a Crate BV, would you still want one?
my dual recto (dual channel) has this serial number R- 009491 it should be from 94 and it rocks, it's just smoother than a three channel recto!
it is because of the guitar cable isnt it?
my dual recto (dual channel) has this serial number R- 009491 it should be from 94 and it rocks, it's just smoother than a three channel recto!
That would explain why my ESP Eclipse (with 81's and 60's) sounded really high endy when I plugged it into my dual rec today, the difference is very noticable. The Schecter that I've been playing through has passive duncan design PU's.There was a post made quite a while ago that had a picture of Amotts Krank setting which also baffled a lot of people into thinking it would sound waay to sharp/harsh. I boldly assumed they might have forgotten that Amott uses SD Passives which into a standard amp sounds quite bassy and boomy hence the high EQ adjustment and sweep setting for compensation.![]()
He did not use the V2 in there. As far as I know, that album is a mix between 5150 and Randall MTS (the tube ones) or ENGL Savage, I'm not completely sure.I think it would be interesting to try one out because I've never opportunity to try a higher end Randall out before. IDK I could be getting the wrong impression from clips/videos but they just seem very compressed and dark IMO. I was in love with Amott's tone until Rise of the Tyrant which I don't know if he used the Randall there or the mix just sucked cuz Sneap didn't do it. hehe Anyways he got a signature V2 and doesn't even use it. He uses one of the fully tubed Randall models... BUT I know it's all personal preference, so I'd have to give one a shot to further comment on what I think of them. Nice suggestion though. Thanks.
Yeah, my impression of the V2 is that it punches like hell in a live environment cuz of its MosFET power amp, but in a studio situation sounds kinda compressed and undynamic (I remember Mauri made some clips awhile ago, though maybe it was a T2...)
they were in the 9000s already in 94??
are you sure?
(does it say "'94" on the PCB?)