Teh Groove Metuhl
If it makes anyone in this thread feel better that they are brainwashed fucks for thinking these amps are actually good because they probably cost more than the car they drive, I've only played the VH-4 not the Herbert. I saw one in a store 2 months ago and had absolutely no interest in playing it.
My car cost about $32,000.
My VH4 was about $4000.
Car is awesome and VH4 is awesome.
I'm sure in your infinite wisdom as a 14 year old you :
- Turned it up
- Used proper settings
- Had good ears
I've owned every iteration of Recto, three 5150's, two VHT's, one Orange, one Laney and three Marshalls, and I've kept one 6505 and the VH4.
Diezel's aren't for everyone, but to say they are crap is unbelievably stupid.
Can't believe anyone would say Diezel are loose... They are the tightest amps I have ever used (I'd include the Mark V though), much much better than any Rectifier in that regard. My personal preference in heavy tone goes to the 6505 but I still reckon this is a far inferior amp to the Diezels (it's a one and half trick poney while the Diezel has 4 totally different channels).
Yeah no shit.
VH4's are loose to say, a VHT/Fryette...but I shouldn't have to explain much after that.