Krankenstein + 5150 / V30 and G12T75


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005

This is the same song I've been working off and on (mainly off) for the past 3 years and it's not even anything great. Its a rough mix. Not looking for critiquing just yet though I am curious what people think about the guitars and bass.
There is to much fizz going on still which I need to try to control and there may be to much gain. I'll probably reamp everything.

2 V30's and 2 G12T75's in an X pattern in a Stein cab. Quad tracked. 5150 to V30, stein to G12T75. Both 100% L and 100% R. AT4040 for all. There is a Weber Mass on the 5150 but not the stein. Maxon 808 and ISP Decimator. In addition, I decided to track all gtrs with an MXR Supercomp for the hell of it. Gtrs bussed to C4. I think I hear some pumping. Bass is Sansamp Bass Driver and DI.
Yikes, guitars are definitely WAY too fizzy, and perhaps the LDC is to blame in that respect - pretty cool though dude, I dig the symphonic black metal vibe of the first riff, though I might suggest that the second groovy riff is a bit "stock" (as Metallica would say). As for the tone, perhaps try a good ol' 57 rather than the AT4040? And I do hear a bit of pumping, but it's not that bad.
Yikes, guitars are definitely WAY too fizzy, and perhaps the LDC is to blame in that respect - pretty cool though dude, I dig the symphonic black metal vibe of the first riff, though I might suggest that the second groovy riff is a bit "stock" (as Metallica would say). As for the tone, perhaps try a good ol' 57 rather than the AT4040? And I do hear a bit of pumping, but it's not that bad.

I agree with everything you said MT. Guitars are way to fizzy. I attempted a quick low pass but I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to that still. I'll try the 57.
Yeah, that 2nd "stock" riff is a bit boring but I'm hoping vocals over it will make it turn out fine. I'm not sure what to do with that riff. I don't really want to make any major changes as I do like it but I can't think of any subtle changes that would improve it greatly.
I'm guessing that the Supercomp is adding to the pumping and will leave that pedal out when I reamp.
I agree with everything you said MT. Guitars are way to fizzy. I attempted a quick low pass but I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to that still. I'll try the 57.
Yeah, that 2nd "stock" riff is a bit boring but I'm hoping vocals over it will make it turn out fine. I'm not sure what to do with that riff. I don't really want to make any major changes as I do like it but I can't think of any subtle changes that would improve it greatly.
I'm guessing that the Supercomp is adding to the pumping and will leave that pedal out when I reamp.

I'd definitely remove the Supercomp of the signal chain.

I agree on the second riff.

And yeah guitars are fizzy... but before trying to reamp it and use a 57 i'd suggest you to mess up with the low-pass a bit more, that could solve your problem, since guitars and the mix in general are not that bad, there's just too much fizz on the guitars that's it.

I like the beginning of the song (first riff with blast beats).
I'd definitely remove the Supercomp of the signal chain.

I agree on the second riff.

And yeah guitars are fizzy... but before trying to reamp it and use a 57 i'd suggest you to mess up with the low-pass a bit more, that could solve your problem, since guitars and the mix in general are not that bad, there's just too much fizz on the guitars that's it.

I like the beginning of the song (first riff with blast beats).

Yeah, I'll try the low-pass some more.

I tracked the guitars with the Supercomp with the intent to reamp anyway so I can try various combinations of mics, positions, speakers ect. and then use the best ones. I'm gonna try not to let my laziness get me and just low-pass and say "good enough" though that set up may end up being the one I use in the end anyway, we'll see.

Thanks for the feedback!