KSE - The End Of Heartache Cover


Mar 24, 2009
Hey well I decided to track a song to mess around with and practice mixing/mastering. The guitars are all PODfarm at the moment, this is a far as I'm gonna go with POD, I'll reamp it sometime soon.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1681257/The End Of Heartache Master 3.mp3

I think it sounds alright, but it sounds really narrow compared to the orignal, is this my mastering or mixing?

The drums are slate, and the bass is EWQL goliath. The bass is pretty poor but I should be recieving a proper bass in the post anyday now!

I'm still learning alot, so feel free to be mean :p

Obviously, you not being Sneap, it's not gonna sound like a pro mix.
However, the original mix, while having guitars that many perceive as being great sounding, are rather loose and flabby in the lower mids, which unfortunately has the effect of masking the higher end of the mix a little bit and lowering the overall level of clarity that was potentially there.
What you've managed to achieve is a mix that's actually clearer and has more clarity than the original song and I really dig that.
Try to maybe give the snare a little more clarity.
It does sound a bit narrow... how are you panning the guitars?

I still like it, tho. I think it would sound better with a real amp, but the POD Farm sound isn't bad... just not as fat as the original.
It does sound a bit narrow... how are you panning the guitars?

I still like it, tho. I think it would sound better with a real amp, but the POD Farm sound isn't bad... just not as fat as the original.

The problem is the "fatness" of the original tone is one of the failings of the original mix.
It's a great sounding tone on it's own maybe, but it's at the expense of the rest of the mix. The aim is to get a good mix, not a great sounding guitar tone.
Sounds pretty good given what you've used.
Regarding the guitars I'd say they sound good with the bass, but the parts where they play the riff without the bass makes them fall short abit. Maybe there could be a touch more mid/ low mid content in them.
The problem is the "fatness" of the original tone is one of the failings of the original mix.
It's a great sounding tone on it's own maybe, but it's at the expense of the rest of the mix. The aim is to get a good mix, not a great sounding guitar tone.
I must say I disagree. TEOH is one of my favorite mixes, not just for the guitar tone, but each to his own. :)
Im just kidding, I dont mind if people dont agree with me and actually I was battling Adam on that one, I felt there was too much lower mid in the gtrs that his AKG C3000 was adding and I was leaning towards more of the 57, so blame adam if you dont like it. Didn't hurt record sales tho.

I actually don't mind it at all listening back.
FWIW Andy, it's a fantastic album musically and I realize it was the tracking that was at fault, not so much your mixing. And the production is quite obviously still good, couldn't possible be bad enough to slow down sales.
I think you really nailed that low down clarity much more with This Godless Endeavor (although obviously you had much more control over the production as a whole).
Despite the guitars going all the way down to Bb, it's just got a great tightness and clarity to it (not just the guitars either, the whole mix seemed clearer as a result of the guitar tone fitting the mix more) that EoH lacks.
And musically, TGE is even better than EoH too IMO :)

yeah, fuck off harry! you tell him rex

Gotta say, puts a smile on my face seeing you so humble for all your talents and having a sense of humor about things. Definitely the way to be
hahah, who better than Andy to speak about KSE tone. Can't argue on this lol.

BTW the cover is OK but the drum programming needs less quantization.
FWIW Andy, it's a fantastic album musically and I realize it was the tracking that was at fault, not so much your mixing. And the production is quite obviously still good, couldn't possible be bad enough to slow down sales.
I think you really nailed that low down clarity much more with This Godless Endeavor (although obviously you had much more control over the production as a whole).
Despite the guitars going all the way down to Bb, it's just got a great tightness and clarity to it (not just the guitars either, the whole mix seemed clearer as a result of the guitar tone fitting the mix more) that EoH lacks.
And musically, TGE is even better than EoH too IMO :)

Gotta say, puts a smile on my face seeing you so humble for all your talents and having a sense of humor about things. Definitely the way to be

+1 This Godless Endeavor has the perfect guitar tone. Just sits perfectly... heavy and smooth at the same time. It's got the polish of the EOH sound, but heavier, more clear, more aggressive... Makes me want a recto/krank. haha.

By the way was the Krank on TGE a Revolution or a Krankenstein?
I like the overall sound BUT... man, you have a technical problem with your guitar and I am talking specifically about the clean/dirty track in the beginning. Either you don't have new strings, either your guitar is not yet properly set, either just a small unprecise tuning on the first 3 strings, but I'm pretty sure it is one of the first 2. Or it could be the digital residual frequencies from the PODfarm thing.

LE. sorry to be such a pest but be careful at the angle you hit the strings with your pick or just change the pick, choose a tortex one. On the chorus riffs you can hear a squeal too. Pls this is just in order to help you for your future recordings man.