Lacuna Coil is incredible!

ddicosmo said:
Hey LuminousAether and Neurotomania,
Why don't you guys grow up and go post your cheesy comments on some lame death metal or boy band board! Everyone is entitled to their opinion but what the hell does a post like guitars made out of feces have anything to do with helping other people who maybe want to see Lacuna Coil do for them? And I don't see any resemblance to Linkin Park whatsoever. As far as I know, I haven't heard of any song by Lacuna Coil that sounds like rap metal to me. Just because they use keyboards and some sampling does not make them sound like Linkin Park. Please try and post some constructive comments for the people who are really interested in this band and want to learn more about them. Otherwise, like I said, go post on some boy band board!

Pussy music fanclub alert - another potential member right here.

dude. its fucking awful. it sounds like linkin park, with a bad female vocalist instead of the chester prick. keep your softcore puss-mongering to yourself.
and their guitars are made out of faeces. thats why they sound like shit.

Hey Neurotomania,

Why don't you crawl out of that peat bog english cave of yours and wake up and smell the coffee! You obviously are an immature adolescent pimple infested english fuck with yellow teeth and glow in the dark complexion who just wants to annoy people on this board with meaningless comments. Why should anyone take advice from someone whose name is Neurotomania and has a picture of some dead corpse with a face full of shit and feces? Grow up, crawl out of your cave and go get a life (...and some dental work)! :tickled: :loco: :hypno:
I wanted to see them on the 4 absent friends tour... We all know what happened there. Then this time, I went to see Opeth and Lacuna Coil in Detroit. Lacuna Coil made it into the country but the god damned bus apparently broke down in Buffalo and they couldn't make it to Detroit...
Neurotomania said:
All the lacuna coil I've heard (two albums) sounded like linkin park. fucking horrible
Reasons why Lacuna Coil does not sound like Linkin Park:
1. Lack of rapping.
2. Standard Tuning.
3. Lack of badly played turntables.
4. Melody.
5. Emotion.
6. Actual riffs that are not just powerchords.
7. Clean guitar licks.
8. Lack of pointless fake anger.
Dude, dude, dude. If you want to be a pussy then fine.

Gimme some death anyday.

I spose you'll all be talking about how much you like nightwish and evanescence next..... pussmusic

[QUOTEHey Neurotomania,

Why don't you crawl out of that peat bog english cave of yours and wake up and smell the coffee! You obviously are an immature adolescent pimple infested english fuck with yellow teeth and glow in the dark complexion who just wants to annoy people on this board with meaningless comments. Why should anyone take advice from someone whose name is Neurotomania and has a picture of some dead corpse with a face full of shit and feces? Grow up, crawl out of your cave and go get a life (...and some dental work)! [/QUOTE]

hehe dude you're just jealous because you can't work out how to use an avatar :D

The 'dead corpse' in question is actually Charn, a character from the almighty BBC tv series through the dragons eye - I suppose being an overweight american/arrogant european, you wouldn't know that. If you really find my comments so meaningless then stop biting and ignore them. Lacuna Coil have that oh-so-familiar a-a-b-b-a-c vocal pattern throughout all of their songs, boring, badly engineering guitars playing boring, lifeless riffs, pathetic male vocals and anything that has a woman singing is just bad. apart from arch enemy.

and yes I'm including sinergy you cock-metal monkeys.
Neurotomania said:
Dude, dude, dude. If you want to be a pussy then fine.

Gimme some death anyday.

I spose you'll all be talking about how much you like nightwish and evanescence next
I don't like Evanescance but I do like Nightwish. I hate this attitude of "anything with a female singer must suck!" attitude and I come across it all too often. Most of the people with this attitude are those without remotely sophisticated musical taste who just want to 'rock out'.

In short, you suck at music, and life. Oh yes, continue listening to generic death metal bands.

Neurotomania said:
oh and dude, you have a picture of bjork as your avatar and your god damn name is kate bush rules.
Björk is incredible. You've heard one single so does that make you an expert on Björk's music? I don't actually like Kate Bush but it's funny to make a statement like that in a forum of metalheads.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I don't like Evanescance but I do like Nightwish. I hate this attitude of "anything with a female singer must suck!" attitude and I come across it all too often. Most of the people with this attitude are those without remotely sophisticated musical taste who just want to 'rock out'.

I agree in what you are saying about female fronted bands...there are some great stuff out there. I am a huge, Tori Amos, Annie Haslam, Kate Bush, Lili Haydn, Bjork, Evanescence(I know you don't like the band but the singer Amy Lee is incredible) fan along with Tapping the Vein, Lennon, Nightwish, Blackmore's Night and many others as well. :)

In short, you suck at music, and life. Oh yes, continue listening to generic death metal bands.

Agree here too! Not many death metal bands I would consider music...there are exceptions to a few gifted musicians and bands out there.

Björk is incredible. You've heard one single so does that make you an expert on Björk's music? I don't actually like Kate Bush but it's funny to make a statement like that in a forum of metalheads.

Preach on Kate Preach on! ;)
I love bands with female vocalists, but Lacuna Coil are pure generic, tired, watered down, mundane, and pedestrian music for music fans that expect next to nothing from their music.

Listen to a female led band that's actually GOOD like:

The Gathering
The 3rd and the Mortal
Star of Ash

And if you want female / male covocals, get these far better bands:

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum (mostly male)
The Gathering and 3rd and the mortal are real good, I especially liked the musical direction the Gathering went! Also check out Within Temptation, Dark Moor (I believe the female singer is now in Fairyland), Therion, After Forever, Rain Fell Within, Mastermind, Angels of Venice (not metal at all but definetly cool stuff with lots of harps and string instruments), The Changelings, Sins of thy Beloved, Sinergy, Lullacry (which I love the females name "Tanja" since you know "Tarja" was taken :) ) and Edenbridge all have some nice female vocals...check them out! :)
LuminousAether said:
I love bands with female vocalists, but Lacuna Coil are pure generic, tired, watered down, mundane, and pedestrian music for music fans that expect next to nothing from their music.

Listen to a female led band that's actually GOOD like:

The Gathering
The 3rd and the Mortal
Star of Ash

And if you want female / male covocals, get these far better bands:

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum (mostly male)

My god that's starting to look an awful lot like a valid argument.. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :grin:

And I don't care what you think of the instrumental work by LC (You're entitled to your own opinion after all) but knocking Cristina as a vocalist is just WAAAY off the mark!!

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions for female vox metal bands... there's a couple listed that I actually havne't heard of... so I'll give them a shot and see if any of them shit all over cristina's vocals as you would have it, but I have sincere doubts this will be the case.

I think the instruments are more important than the vocals. Of course Lacuna Coil's singer is skilled, but the rest of the band falters completely.

Some of the bands I listed, like Low and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, the female vocals aren't at a virtuoso level, but I think they are very effective. For Low, the mood and emotions are everything. For Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, the song structures, atmosphere, and ideas are everything (they are a prog rock band after all).

Oh, by the way, a female led prog rock group a lot of you might enjoy is Azigza. They mix prog, Tool-esque guitars, and middle eastern harmonies with fairly decent female vocals. Interesting, to say the least.
heheh. Nightwish. I just lost all interest in this thread because you like nightwish dude. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. check out, I hate a friend who likes nightwish and hes in this band that sound just like them. I fucking hate them but hey - there you go. and how is bjork incredible - my annoying ex girlfriend had like every album and I had to sit there and listen to that shit. Not to mention bullshit girl pop bands like my ruin and fucking jack off jill. huhuhuhuhuhuh you like nightwish

I love bands with female vocalists, but Lacuna Coil are pure generic, tired, watered down, mundane, and pedestrian music for music fans that expect next to nothing from their music.
you tell em dude
Schism said:
See previous post...

Don't think you are any better TROLL

Opinions are welcome, but give us a fucking valid one for god's sake (you know with reason and a bit of thought)

LuminousAether said:
I love bands with female vocalists, but Lacuna Coil are pure generic, tired, watered down, mundane, and pedestrian music for music fans that expect next to nothing from their music.

Listen to a female led band that's actually GOOD like:

The Gathering
I agree about Lacuna Coil's music being generic but as I have previously said I listen primarily for the vocals.

Yes, I'm a big Gathering fan and I do agree that they are way better than Lacuna Coil. So, w3rd.