Lacuna Coil is incredible!

italvamp2378 said:
In my opinion, and again, it may not be what you like, but I like Lacuna Coil. Their lyrics may not be spectacular, but for certain situations that I've experienced, they've helped me cope and help me work through my problems. -Christina-
Read the thread. Earlier on I was actually defending Lacuna Coil fromt he hataz! I like most of their songs, but I think "Heaven's A Lie" is bad. What are your favourite songs? Mine are "The Secret" and "Halflife".
Kate Bush Rules! said:
Read the thread. Earlier on I was actually defending Lacuna Coil fromt he hataz! I like most of their songs, but I think "Heaven's A Lie" is bad. What are your favourite songs? Mine are "The Secret" and "Halflife".

I did read the thread and actually re-read it...:)
My statement wasn't going out to you, sorry I quoted yours.

I really enjoy their earlier works This is my Dream, Falling, Falling Again, To Myself I Turned, My Wings (this one hits me really hard)
From Unleashed Memories, Hyperfast, and Senzafine

From Comalies, Tight Rope and Angel's Punishment


p.s. sorry for the confusion :)
Kate Bush Rules! said:
Read the thread. Earlier on I was actually defending Lacuna Coil fromt he hataz! I like most of their songs, but I think "Heaven's A Lie" is bad. What are your favourite songs? Mine are "The Secret" and "Halflife".

Ha, I didn't notice THAT. I just noticed where you said Unleashed Memories was not as bad as Comalies. I like almost all of Comalies quite a bit, and Unleashed Memories has about 3 songs I like on it, and then before that I don't like anything besides the self titled EP. Oh, and my "ghey" internet lingo was intentionally "ghey." My usage of it is starting to become a bad habit :p. If I was trying to be unironic and actually wanted you to "stfu" i would have said so instead of using the "ghey" acronym. Saturnine is a slick song, but those verses make me cringe every's sort of typical feminist whiner lyrics, only really really clumsy sounding. If the whole song was the chorus, I'd like it much better. Anyway, right now I just love comalies cause I saw them live and it was *THE* best thing in the history of ever, and they played a whole bunch of songs off it. :Spin: I liked it quite a bit beforehand too, has a really massive sound and the first 9 songs or so are all really good (except maybe for Swamped). I think it's "harder" than unleashed memories, that album just puts me to sleep most of the time. I really think their guy singer should stick to clean vocals, too, which is a big part of the reason I don't like the Halflife EP. There are approximately 40000000 bands with growly male vocals and clean female vocals, and I don't think a single one of them has ever been any good (unless you count single songs on albums like "To Welcome the Fade"). And, to top it off, the guy from Lacuna Coil has an especially lame growl. Bah! Comalies is currently my favorite thing in the world thanks to the concert, and that's the end of the story.
All this talk of female lead metal bands and noone mentions Sinister?

Thats a sin(ister) in my book.

Someone did mention After Forever though. good call!!!

*high fives whoever mentioned After Forever*

BTW, Lacuna Coil owns.

Neurotomania is feces.