Just wanted to clear up any Misconseptions that may arise from the previous posts, I (Lance King) am the antithisis of a Satanist ; )
I look to the sky not to the lower depths when I need a pick me up!
Just wanted to clear up any Misconseptions that may arise from the previous posts, I (Lance King) am the antithisis of a Satanist ; )
I look to the sky not to the lower depths when I need a pick me up!
Just wanted to clear up any Misconseptions that may arise from the previous posts, I (Lance King) am the antithisis of a Satanist ; )
I look to the sky not to the lower depths when I need a pick me up!
Just wanted to clear up any Misconseptions that may arise from the previous posts, I (Lance King) am the antithisis of a Satanist ; )
I look to the sky not to the lower depths when I need a pick me up!
Anyway, Lance and Yan played an Avian song. Then another guy took Yan's place on guitar (I think someone said he had been Helstar's guitarist) and they played Queensryche's "Take Hold of the Flame". It was freaking sweet. The music itself was so quiet that I'm sure that no one outside of 40 feet had any clue that it was even happening. When they had the 15 of us singing the "TAKE HOLD!" part of the chorus, everyone else in the vendor room would look over and wonder what the heck was going on.