Lasse & Mago DI Pack (real drums on the backingtrack)

It's almost impossible to get bad results with these DIs, mago did a great job.
The only thing I'm doing is a tiny notch (1-2db, very narrow) in the high mids, there's a tiny bit of fizz coming from the guitar. But other than that nothing is necessary really, great aging and quality DIs, I wish my usual reamping jobs were that simple:)
It´s indeed great DI´s. Mago can you tell more about the things you used? For example, did you used a DI box? if yes, what was? what preamp? EMG 81 in the guitar right?
EDIT: by the way i did notice that the song wasnt completely well aligned; i used the first zip file you uploaded so i know but i was thinking if theres a user error here as well..

I mean since i am reamping the DIs shouldnt i shift the reamped tracks anyway? since the signal has to go though the converters again, the rig the cables mic etc.??

What do you guys do? or do you leave it untouched?

Since both the packs should work now I can only see the problem if you maybe downloaded both packs and used the DI's of one by the other?
Cause the one I uploaded isn't aligned to the click, but the ones one Lasses server is.
I'm going to render a new version of the backingtrack and Reupload the pack on my dropbox again in case someone doesnt want the stems and a smaller pack to download.

Usually I dont need to compensate any reamp delay, but maybe Cubase is compensating the delay by itself.

Thanks guys for the DI's and the backingtrack. Very usefull when trying to learn the whole reamping and cab micing process.

Here is my attempt:
Mesa Mark V (Mark IV mode)-*>Recto2x12->sm57

Comments are welcome.

Btw, nice song and great playing.

Sounds nice man!

It's almost impossible to get bad results with these DIs, mago did a great job.
The only thing I'm doing is a tiny notch (1-2db, very narrow) in the high mids, there's a tiny bit of fizz coming from the guitar. But other than that nothing is necessary really, great aging and quality DIs, I wish my usual reamping jobs were that simple:)

Thanks a lot Lasse, means a lot coming from you :)
I don't know if that high mid fizz comes from my guitar, interface or playing but as long as its not a huge problem I guess its ok.
If I lack the equipent by the time reamping for our next album is due (= dont have a new head and a Mesa OS) then there's a pretty high chance you will get a reampjob from me btw ;)

It´s indeed great DI´s. Mago can you tell more about the things you used? For example, did you used a DI box? if yes, what was? what preamp? EMG 81 in the guitar right?

Thanks dude!
yeah, so heres the chain in detail:

Me->Jazz III->D'Addario 10-46->EMG81(9V) in Ltd F400-FM->Focusrite Saffire LE

I have to record using the Line input on it, cause its clipping in the High-Z mode, even at lowest gain settings on the interface. Made shootouts and it didn't sound worst to me in Line mode, so I'm using that one with the EMGs ever since. With some passives I can use the High-Z input without clipping, but not with the EMG.
My guess is that that's were the bit of fizz is coming from.
But I think I once read/heared that EMG's anyway have an output thats more similar to the Line input than passive PUs, so maybe thats why it's not that much of a problem here.
I figured that if I can get good results with this then I don't need to get a DI box yet, but I'm going to get one whenever I upgrade my interface/preamps.

I did a set of reamps in this thread that I think you guys will love.

Thanks for the hard work on those DIs and backing track fellas :)

Sounds nice man, I voted A ;)

I tried them out too... The first one is without a dip in the high mids, second one is with it and the last one is with different cabz

Bass is a bit loud on those, but I think 2 is the best
Me->Jazz III->D'Addario 10-46->EMG81(9V) in Ltd F400-FM->Focusrite Saffire LE

I wouldnt guess that was you!:muahaha: Yeah it´s normal the clipping in EMG 81 9v. I am gonna put a set of EMG 85/81 in my schecter but with the mode 18v because of that also. Thanks for all the info. ;)

I didn't mean the internal clipping of the EMG81, I ment that the input/preamp of the saffire is clipping. Too much output of the guitar to handle the input in High-Z mode on the interface.
I'm not a huge fan of 18V on the 81 from what I've heared on soundclips, but I have yet to try it out on that guitar myself
Ah ok, didnt understand. The difference it´s not much, but sounds less compressed and with more "air". To me that difference worth the change. But of course this all depends of what kind of sound you want to achieve in the end.
Yeah of course it depends on what sound you're after!
I like the 81 as it is, especially in that guitar. Very tight, highmid heavy barking/biting sound.
If I want it fatter and with more air I can switch to the epiphone Lp custom with the 81TW.
Next time I put new strings on I'm gonna record this pack with the epi and 81TW, I always wanted to compare the 2 guitars with a reamptest and since I allready recorded this I'm going to use this for it!

I guess this guitar with the 81 @ 18v would be somewhere in the middle of the 2 guitars, and I like it more to have it at 2 "extremes"
But 18v is a good way to get a milder version of the 81
Hey Mago! no the pack i used which i was talking about i downloaded not from this thread. It was the first one you uploaded. But most importantly i was wondering if i had to compensate for the reamp time and you answered that question thanks Mago

sounds like x50 with the high knob cranked too much, or the green channel with bright and too much highs...

But the bass was mixed in with the drums and I didn't do anything to the backing track? :zombie:

maybe the guitars are just too low for me in that case

a tad more gain would be nice, but the sound itself is really cool!

hey marco gave it a shot too, your di's are super clean!.... mmmix.mp3

quite boomy Geo, but the coresound is cool!

Thanks for the Di tracks! Here is my attempt:
Od808 - EVH 5150III - Mesa 412 - sm57

sounds a bit nasal steve, but I think that could be fixed with a bit of eq!
I like the gnarl it has
Here is my test: :rock: DEMO.mp3

I used PodFarm2 for the head, screamer, and then ran the cabs through LeCab2 using 3 different mics on the 1960 Marshal cab in recabinet 2.0. Eq'd after the cabs and the added a Waves shuffler for image enhancement.

I sent both the backing track [with the drums and bass] and the guitar folder to another track and made a "room ample" to have a BIGGER guitar sound. Here is my room example from this reamp session: DEMO ROOM SAMPLE.mp3

My master chain was quick and dirty: Rcomp + Elephant. :hypno: