Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment

Urgh, just... BRUTAL :puke:
Ehh... it was heavy, but the obvious humor cut was a tad bit disappointing. Especially with this band.

Well, it was heavy, energetic, folky, creative and fun. Just what I want in my (non-epic) folk metal escapades. Plus, it had a cover of the Ievan Polka and that shit made my day. But hey, thats just my opinion.

I would like this album a lot more if the songs were shorter. Alas, after a few listens, I find myself bored... It does a good job meshing black metal elements with a clean, almost mainstream sound. In short: has its moments but good luck finding them in this 70 minute jungle...

There's some greatness here. Pointless intros and interludes aside, there are some genuinely good songs from start to finish. Unfortunately, they fall into the same Dream Theater trap of meandering in the middle of longer songs with pointless dickery. All this does is detract from the atmosphere trying to be set by rest of the album. Oh, and the vocalist sounds like a sissy.


Dethklok continues to be great. Great leads, though they tend to overpopulate the album. Album starts to lose steam toward the end. Still, I liked this one better than the 2nd one.