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The Sword - Apocryphon
Both are superb, but I wouldn't argue with that. Not sure which my favourite is, one of those two, King of the Kill or Set The World on Fire...


Just listened to this for the first time...


...and I have to say I thought it was superb!

It's good to hear them return to a slightly darker/doomier sound. Nice to hear Shaun Taylor-Steels back in the band too, he drummed on my favourite Bride album The Dreadful Hours and I think he's a great. At the same time, I'm kind of sad to hear the back of Dan Mullins - I really liked he did on For Lies I Sire (and he's probably a better drummer than Shaun!). Anyway, I really enjoyed it. One thing I am a little disappointed in though, and it admittedly has no bearing on the music, at all - but where's the logo on the font of the album?! They have such an awesome logo I don't understand why they wouldn't have used it. So they fail for that, otherwise - all good.
Annihilator - Never, Neverland

Both are superb, but I wouldn't argue with that. Not sure which my favourite is, one of those two, King of the Kill or Set The World on Fire...


All of them are great, though.



It has been a while since I have spun this album, but it is some excellent California thrash! I would love to see these guys on tour, but it seems they are having some struggles despite releasing a new album this year. The drummer on this album left the band and joined Warbringer.

OMG LMAO $W@G 1337!!1!1

...remind me to never do that. Ever.

Both are superb, but I wouldn't argue with that. Not sure which my favourite is, one of those two, King of the Kill or Set The World on Fire...

If you want my two cents, I've had massive debate over which I thought was better between NNL and KOTK. Between the first two albums, I liked NNL because it was bit more... easier compared to AIH (never liked Word Salad, Burns... annoys me for some reason, and Schizos... doesn't really grab my attention compared to when I listened to it in the first place). As for KOTK and STWOF, the melodic songs (Phoenix Rising, Sounds Good to Me, Etc.) just don't do it to me, while the varied styles on King of the Kill blow my mind.

Stupidly enough, my favorite tracks are from the latter of each (Ligeia, Wicked Mystic, Snake in the Grass, Don't Bother Me).
But KOTK had the groove dreadfulness called The Box. Which automatically puts it below Never Neverland which does not have a single bad song in it and is technically superior and all that good shit.

Fucking opinions always getting in the way.


But KOTK had the groove dreadfulness called The Box. Which automatically puts it below Never Neverland which does not have a single bad song in it and is technically superior and all that good shit.

The problem isn't that The Box isn't a groovy dread, it's just a SHITTY opening track. They would've been better off with the title track. And even if it were a shitty track, the album makes up for it with MUCH better ones. That being said, I think its a matter of which one is more important in the end: speed or style.

Fucking opinions always getting in the way.

B-but I like opinions! :(
We should totally have an Annihilator thread...


I've been listening to that new Shining album a fair, and while it's nothing ground breaking I find myself enjoying it immensely. As for Pensées Nocturnes, that album is just pure neoclassical/black metal wankery and I love it.