Last Album You Listened to in Full?

M_DeX - If you're enjoying those two albums then you DO like black metal! :loco:

Thunderhorse - Not going to argue with that, both are undisputed classics of the genre. (Transilvanian Hunger features one of my all-time favourite black metal songs "Skald av Satans Sol")

Keenan - MAN, do you LOVE Buckethead!! :loco:

Listening to some of the finest black metal ever recorded. ;)

M_DeX - If you're enjoying those two albums then you DO like black metal! :loco:

Thunderhorse - Not going to argue with that, both are undisputed classics of the genre. (Transilvanian Hunger features one of my all-time favourite black metal songs "Skald av Satans Sol")

I'm going to save my skin and NOT say that I thought that they were repetitive, droning, sounded like they were recorded underwater and were just overall shit. *hides*



Very good. A little predictable at times. Has a nice, gloomy atmosphere about it.
I thought that they were repetitive, droning, sounded like they were recorded underwater and were just overall shit. *hides*

That's a fair enough opinion man... those records ARE repetitive, droning and DO sound like they were recorded underwater (on in a tin can, anyway). :loco:

Nice to see another person listening to My Dying Bride around here though, I think the new album is pretty ace. Especially the first song, Kneel Till Doomsday. It's kind of the ultimate My Dying Bride song...

Anyone listen to Zero Order Phase? How does that album compare to this one?

I Zero Order Phase is a lot more guitar based and all the melodies are guitar based but Plains of Oblivion has a lot more singing which I really prefer. I get the impression that he kept more material away from Nevermore for Plains of Oblivion as all the songs feel more like songs........ not sure of a better way to put it.

I prefer Plains I think. Surrender is a fucking amazing song.

Nice to see another person listening to My Dying Bride around here though, I think the new album is pretty ace. Especially the first song, Kneel Till Doomsday. It's kind of the ultimate My Dying Bride song...

It was my first MDB record actually :p I am looking forward to listening to more though!



I've really been dwelling in the darker, more depressing side of metal lately...


Still listening to these two...

...surprised that I'm REALLY enjoying the Lich King album. Good for some generic Thrash as far as lyrics go, and the music is good. My only problem is that the longest track, Agnosticism, is 8 minutes long and can get a bit irritating to listen to at times. Personally am a fan of Lich King IV though, which is the second longest......

I should listen to some Toxik again. I still prefer their first album more for some strange reason..

World Circus has some amazing track from what I remember... I'm gonna go listen to that now...