Last Album You Listened to in Full?

^ Yeah, great album.



After a few months and repeated listens I give this a 7/10. An improvement over Conformicide but it lacks the intensity of Time is Up! The best songs are Merchants of Death, Phantom Force, Ritual of the Mind, and Fear Campaign.
^ haven't listened to them in ages but those two Ghost album's are my favourites of theirs.

Listened to the new Havok when it came out and thought it was okay, but never went back to it...



Gotta be in the mood but Hatebreed are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. Glad they've gone back to being a little less "metal" on this new one. Love the groove they have when they're on form, and his vocal delivery has always been pretty awesome imo.



After listening to Crimson, I started feeling a Swano binge coming on. Never listened to any other Edge of Sanity albums other than Crimson, so I downloaded The Spectral Sorrows. Pretty great. Definitely gonna need to listen to other albums, too.

Listen to Crimson II, Purgatory Afterglow, and the short but sweet Until Eternity Ends EP... they're all brilliant too in my opinion.

Swano is a great one to binge on because he's done so many different things :lol: I know you're a fan of the Nightingale stuff, and his solo album, and Witherscape too (I think?) ... you might enjoy Pan.Thy.Monium if you haven't already listened, kind of pogressive/avant-garde "death metal" ... Dawn of Dreams and Dream II stand out for me.

Such a talented guy. He's had his fingers in a few of my all time favourite records, namely Dissection's first two and Diabolical Masquerade's Nightwork - which is kind of a masterpiece... but he's been involved in too many GREAT albums to even list...

I mean I could list them... but

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New Sodom is a better than I expected. At the very least, a little more inspired than usual - maybe the second guitarist addition paid off?

New Gama Bomb though... didn't enjoy it as much. Passable, but it feels like something's kinda off. Maybe a bit more melodic/Judas Priest-y than I imagined it? I need another listen to confirm my feelings on this.
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