Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Agree. Their first 4 albums are without doubt their strongest.


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I've never bought into the whole "Dave's an arsehole" thing (athough when I came face to face with him once all he did was give me the snarl and walk away...). Regardless, Rust In Peace is my all time favourite album. And definitely one of the best guitar / rock / metal records of all time, in my opinion.
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I've never bought into the whole "Dave's an arsehole" thing (athough when I came face to face with him once all he did was give me the snarl and walk away...). Regardless, Rust In Peace is my all time favourite album. And definitely one of the best guitar / rock / metal records of all time, in my opinion.

Given his "truther" comments about Obama, claiming that he staged a bunch of shootings, the "put a plug in it" thing, and him being against gay marriage, ima stick with that he's an asshole and I hate him :lol:

and again hypocritical of me I suppose, last album I listen to was peace sells
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When it comes to stuff like that, I just remind myself that they're entitled to their own opinions... even if said opinions are fucking stupid. :lol:

Everything starting with IVth Crusade is absolute gold. Those Once Loyal has my vote for their best album.






Everything starting with IVth Crusade is absolute gold. Those Once Loyal has my vote for their best album.

Agree on both points.

I used to enjoy their first few albums a lot more, but now I always gravitate towards the later albums. Those Once Loyal definitely being my favourite. Followed by Mercenary ...for Victory and The IVth Crusade. They sounded huge when I got the opportunity to see them live too, great band.

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