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After one listen I am thinking I might pass on buying this album. Will give it another couple listens on Spotify but the only song that stood out was the one with guest vocal from Schmier of Destruction.

I gave this a listen recently and... it just sounds like the same album as the last. Im always willing to give Nervosa a shot but Im never left really satisfied.
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This a bunch more times. Modesty and Fortune are my favorites, I think. Fortune is on another plane of existence, songwriting wise.

New Angelus Apatrida is super good - like really really REALLY good. Last time I was this excited about them was when they dropped The Call.

Hidden Evolution was good and Cabaret didn't really strike my fancy but this S/t is GOOD.
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That new Angelus Apatrida is killer. Going to have to buy they are on Century Media...I find them to be the least reliable record label as as far as timely shipping.


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Dig this album. Kind of sucks how there no merch for it though, have wanted a Midian shirt for years... kind of weird if you ask me (since Cradle of Filth make fucking loads of merch and shit)