Last Album You Listened to in Full?

I feel ya on both of those albums. Gama Bomb is good but has no highlights like Give Me Leather or Bring out the Monster like on the last album.


During a Evile show about a decade ago a drunk guy stumbled over to me and yelled, "These guys sound like Annihilator!". :lol:
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Fun to go back and listen to this one and see how Gama Bomb has evolved over the course of their albums. Citizen Brain used to my favorite, but I think Untouchable Glory and Speed Between the Lines has better song writing.

During a Evile show about a decade ago a drunk guy stumbled over to me and yelled, "These guys sound like Annihilator!". :lol:

He must've been drunk!! Never, Neverland, great album. Definite contender for best Annihilator album.


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He must've been drunk!! Never, Neverland, great album. Definite contender for best Annihilator album.

You know that's right! A nice guy, but he can't handle his booze at all. The last time I saw him a live show he got 86'd by security way too early in the night for being too intoxicated.
I barely drink at shows, mainly due to the bars being so busy and not wanting to lose my vantage point haha.

Being kicked out always sucks though. I was with an old friend (from another forum actually) a few years back and he managed to get kicked out. Apparently he was nodding off 'cause he was too drunk, in fact he wasn't at all, he was just tired as he'd worked all day then traveled all the way down to London for the gig. Only to have a couple of drinks then kicked out before the band even came on :lol: ...door staff can be so unreasonable.



Love this album art
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It is their best since Painkiller but lets not get nuts! Sad Wings of Destiny, and Stained Class are my top 2 and Firepower is definitely a contender for top 5.
my favorite is still "Sad Wings of Destiny" i guess nothing comes close I guess i liked the new album AT FIRST but then it showed to me nothing special to me after a few listening sessions it's more like re-inventing themselves of course on the musical side not bad but for me it's a typical outcome of an older metal band trying to re-invent themself.



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M favorite album of 2020. These guys have come a long way since War Without End. It is nice to see them continuing to improve with each album. Songs like Firepower Kills and Power Unsurpassed remind me of albums from the past while songs like The Black Hand Reaches Out, Hearts of Darkness, and Notre Dame show complexity and depth that is rare to find amongst thrash metal. I think I have attended all of their live shows in Las Vegas since 2010 and look forward to seeing them live when it is safe again to have live shows.
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All of Children of Bodom's studio albums. I was off work today and had a bunch of stuff to do around the house so I tossed every album in release order on a playlist and it lasted pretty much all day. :kickass:
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Between listening to them on random all morning while I was fannying around and then doing some bits and pieces I've listened to the first 4 in full, which are probably their best.

Followed by Halo of Blood, for me. Which I'm going to listen to next. (My honorable mention being Are You Dead Yet?)

I used to be a much bigger fan of COB but weak albums over the last decade have taken their toll. I have tried the newer albums but always think I would rather spin Follow the Reaper or Hatebreeder.