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Some songs could stand to be trimmed a bit as the album stretches on for two hours. Overall, is very good.

COMPLETELY forgot that LTE had a third album out. I only knew of the single track. I'll give this a look.
Listened to the new Evile on the commute in and from work today. Music and songwriting is 10/10, vocals are more like a 6/10 or 7/10. Disorder and Control from Above are standout tracks after a couple of listens. Need to give this one a whole lot more listens, but I think it is safe to say it is their best album since their last album! :lol:
Bummer you feel this way, I absolutely love it. Feels like an interesting mix of Magma type stuff and some older sounds

It sounds like Magma, but without the emotional heaviness that album has. Sadly, if you take away that heaviness, what's left just feels flat/hollow/empty. They're the latest in a long line of bands I listen to that just seem to have lost their edge. The Sword, Opeth, Mastodon (though not as bad), Leprous and a few others. They've just lost all their OOMPH on their newer albums. It's really sad. Like, I kept waiting for that one song on Fortitude that would come on and just blow my speakers out.... and it never came. Really disappointed.


Posted my thoughts on this in the release discussion thread.
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I remember listening to this album and kind of wishing it wasn't as sludgy. I really enjoyed Sentenced to Life.


All I've been listening to really. I think it's great but there are always points that make me think 'weird place to change the tempo'.
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Man Keenan, the 30th must have been very unfortunate for you. I do heavily disagree with this, the gojira, and the your point on Mastodon. I'm absolutely loving their newest stuff but I do get where you're coming from
Man Keenan, the 30th must have been very unfortunate for you. I do heavily disagree with this, the gojira, and the your point on Mastodon. I'm absolutely loving their newest stuff but I do get where you're coming from

Yeah, Friday was not good. :lol:

I've listened to both basically all weekend. Stance hasn't changed on either. :(
^ quality.



Love Warbringer's "W" albums. The debut not so much (now), but the others all rip. :kickass:
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