Last Fair Deal... Vs Tonight's Decision

It does'nt matter. If you get one you will end up getting the other. They are both very good. Get them both at the same time and listen to TD and then listen to LFDGD. Both in a row with no one around, no distractions, leave yourself open to have the music consume you utterly and the experience will haunt you forever.
Last Fair Deal... is certainly easier to get into. Better too. Still, Tonight's Decision has just as much great songs.
Get Last Fair Deal... and then Tonight's Decision...
It depends on what albums you allready got. Anyway... the most interesting thing is to follow the cronological order, but if you don't care about that, then get last fair deal.
I wanted to work in reverse chronological order since VE was my first purchase and I fucking worship it. But my local store only had Tonight's Decision, and I was just a bit disappointed on first listen (is Jonas' singing clearer on VE?). I'm diving back in for another listen.
As long as you get both, it doesn't really matter what order you get them in. But LFDGD is the better album.
Less is often more. Nowhere else is this more misunderstood that in music. Boring is a term for laymen to use in describing something that cant hold their attention span because it is that of a child.
Sorry but I feel like being a dick today.
Oh yea, Rob M. sucks ass. :Smug:
At first I didn't like Swanös drums on TD (odd, he's a great drummer actually, with interesting stuff going on in the most projects he play in)

Later, after listening to the album properly, I realized that it's pretty much about a simple rhythm track, it simple suits the mode. Some parts should still have been more interesting, but have in mind that Swanö recorded all the drumtracks during a hectic a day, with an hopeless cowbelll-clicktrack as guide.
Deliverance6 said:
Less is often more. Nowhere else is this more misunderstood that in music. Boring is a term for laymen to use in describing something that cant hold their attention span because it is that of a child.
Sorry but I feel like being a dick today.
Oh yea, Rob M. sucks ass. :Smug:

:O Now I feel scared that you know my name!

Tonight's Decision is the album that changed my life..the only possible condition in the minutes ,when i'm listening to this album is the breathless falling into my souls strain...LFDGD is very good ,too(especially Tonight's music),but Tonight's decision is the first and only for me,maybe thatswhy i can not listen to this album so often nowadays(and who the hell cares,if the drums are fucking good,or not?!?!?!THIS IS "TONIGHT'S DECISION",and there are more important fractions of this album that the intricacy of the musical expression..the ideas are the most important!)..but 'Tonight's decision' is a album,that abducts the whole self..the mind,the heart and all the thoughts are condemned to follow the only way-this of "Tonight' decision"..and therefore you must pick up LFDGD,if you have not enough time for 'Tonight's decision' at the moment..LFDGD is really a very good album,deep as everything that belongs to the creations of Katatonia..