Late 80's/90's death metal amp list!


New Metal Member
May 22, 2012
Minas Morgul
Trying to make a list of amps used in this time period (because I want to find/try ALL of them)

I love old school death metal tones, and know that many of the amps these bands used in the day were cheap like me :)

Here's my list so far...

Marshall JCM800/900 (usually used with a boost)
Marshall Valvestate 8100 (used by death in their later years, and i'm pretty sure pierced from within was recorded by these with some korg overdrive/distortion pedal)
Peavey 6505 (used by MANY death metal bands since it came out)
Peavey supreme 160 (used by at the gates?)
Peavey Transtube Supreme
Peavey bandit (used by entombed with HM-2's)
Ampeg VH-140c (used by suffocation/dying fetus etc)
Crate GX130c/GT3500H/GX900H(suppose to be very similar to ^ used by cannibal corpse, pretty sure decapitated uses/used the 900h)
Randall RG100 (I think death used these before the 8100's)
Boss GX-700 (used by bolt thrower)
Mesa boogie dual/triple rectifier (same deal as 6505/5150)
Mesa boogie Mark III (assuming a few bands must of used em)
Mesa boogie Mark IIC+
ADA MP-1 (used by cynic)

So if anything in my list is wrong feel free to tell me and ill change it and any more amps I missed ill add to the list.
i was focusing on the 90`s here, like with the 5150/6505 it became is distortion stable for metal bands in the 90`s and thats on your list. 80`s is another deal because they didnt exist back then. I dont know about the cannibals in particular, but wasnt the trend for early death metal to use pedals with all knobs full on?
i was focusing on the 90`s here, like with the 5150/6505 it became is distortion stable for metal bands in the 90`s and thats on your list. 80`s is another deal because they didnt exist back then. I dont know about the cannibals in particular, but wasnt the trend for early death metal to use pedals with all knobs full on?
That would be swedish death metal using boss HM-2's, putting all the knobs on full does NOT give you that sound though.
That would be swedish death metal using boss HM-2's, putting all the knobs on full does NOT give you that sound though.

That is contrary to everything I have ever found out about those tones. And certainly not true with the HM-2 I have, all the knobs on full has always given that sound, IME.
That would be swedish death metal using boss HM-2's, putting all the knobs on full does NOT give you that sound though.

Depends on the amp. I've got very close with all the knobs on full, but it sounds like garbage through some amps/cabs.
I think Atheist Piece of Time and Sepultura Beneath the Remains (pretty close to old school death metal, huh ?) got Mesa Mark tone...their guitar tone is similar on this album and I remember something like "thanks to xxxx for the mesa" was written on the greetings credit of the Atheist album.
I think Atheist Piece of Time and Sepultura Beneath the Remains (pretty close to old school death metal, huh ?) got Mesa Mark tone...their guitar tone is similar on this album and I remember something like "thanks to xxxx for the mesa" was written on the greetings credit of the Atheist album.

Yea Sepultura definitely counts and I remember reading somewhere they used boogies (mark IIC+ I think?) or boosted JCM800's.