LEE JACKSON GP-1000 88 replica for sale

Gentlemen, get some bibs.

This unit was converted to 230V by TWCC (he is the fucking master) and it works just GREAT!


Any suggestíons what should we do with this jewel?:P
Excuse my ignorance, but what is that above the peavey exactly?

It is Rocktron RSP2400 Enhancer/Exciter/Hush. Part of Alexi's gear. He uses it to enhance frequencies from GP to get more low-end and make sound more piercing. Nowadays it is impossible to find any of these units. You can't even google some info about it.

If you don't know how does the enhancer/exciter work, search on youtube. Or maybe Rune can tell you more about it:)

Here is Alexi's rig. RSP is above Rocktron Intellifex Blackface
^Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up. If you guys are up for it, would you mind recording some more clips of the Gp1k, with the RSP in the chain as well, where the enhancer is switched on and off, or panned perhaps 100% left/right( one track without the enhancer, another with it).
I think that would showcase nicely what the unit is capable of.
I've got a version (rsp 2400) for well over a year now and I use it in the chain at all times, but I turn the processing off and hush also, because mainly Im pleased with the sound of both my modded original and gpsp, and secondly I think the hush ia better off the intellifex, but for Ozzy and AYDY sounds this is a must to get some boost to the highs and lows.

Regarding GPSP: Ive been so busy with work and my children that I haven't had the time to test the unit fully yet, been gone the whole christmas and still am. At my cabin with my cellphone atm.
TWCC sent me a bag of interchangeable parts for the latest mod, and it is time consuming to go through them all and getting the best sound possible. But it is already sounding awesome. Also a total noob at recording so got to try it all.

JE1000: getting a new and final edition soon enough. Will test it as well, last one was good, but not perfect.
Sup, guys!
Right now, we are abroad, so that's why we cannot make new updates frequently...but here are some nice looking GP guts - they are halfway done, because we ran out of parts:)

New parts on the way, also a matched trio of Tung Sol tubes. Of course we will record new stuff when we get home - with and without RSP, with Tung Sol, with Groove Tubes and finally with EXACT JE clone.

Keep rocking!
Sorry, guys, for not posting updates...those last few weeks were really, really bad...
Right now, I'm working on 5 GPSPs at once...
Rune's old JE was repaired, adjusted to "plug 'n' play" version and will be tested properly...
TWCC will make a new design of PCBs for new JEs with push-pull pots...

some new parts are already on the way - I can start making clones of none-push/pull version, when they arrive...

next week looks like a week of cutting metal parts...

Sorry, guys, for not posting updates...those last few weeks were really, really bad...
Right now, I'm working on 5 GPSPs at once...
Rune's old JE was repaired, adjusted to "plug 'n' play" version and will be tested properly...
TWCC will make a new design of PCBs for new JEs with push-pull pots...

some new parts are already on the way - I can start making clones of none-push/pull version, when they arrive...

next week looks like a week of cutting metal parts...


thx for an update...yea im one of those who wants push/pull since im not fond of drilling holes in guitar :P
and ive got a J-50BC lying here for a year now still waiting to be installed xD

just make sure pushed is ON en pulled is OFF :P

the i can finally start working on my LTD, planning on putting gold hardware on the RR24 and using the black hardware + emg81 PU on the LTD, then the LTD has OFR 2 and EMG81 pickup and its finally playable. Lic.FR just sucks so hard, doesnt stay in tune at all...
@Arystar - don't worry, there will be push/pull version with settings that you prefer and yes, Original FR is outstanding - it stays in tune better than some stoptail

And for everyone: Here are some pics - 5 GPSPs, Rune's JE, new JE and some new tranzistors that just arrived...I'll test them this evening.


Which one do you like more?

I am sure you can hear that hum and noise - JEs are not grounded. This "plug 'n' play" version is just for testing to be able to quickly switch between them - they are not soldered in guitar. They were just hanging from the output jack during recording. Please, ignore all deficiencies of sound.

Focus on the tone.

Recorded with H2, Rune's old damaged GPSP, RSP 2400, Intellifex...will record it again with J50BC tomorrow.
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to me the first is more true to the sound of the real thing, but u need rune's word in this..

btw: where is the 3rd part from? i know that tone from somewhere

and is there a tab of crazy nights already? :O
The second clip is a lot harsher, but are harsh comparing to J-50BC. Like the first one best. But the second has more loudness...it is kind of unfair comparation. Sorry been super busy with everything imaginable. Only thing I can say is that the latest mod nailed the gpsp and that it is hard to capture its pureness with an sm57, since it sound fizzy no matter what you do. Don't really like that stuff and Bodom never used it at least not alone as far as Ive seen and know.
idk if this is the right place for this question.....

what preamp tube is everyone using in their gp's? mine came with groove tube ecc83's but i know lee jackson was selling them with tested chinese 12ax7s. anyone know what alexi uses? i assume roope uses same as alexi.
Hey, guys!

TWCC is home now...If there are questions to ask, you should ask now, because we are getting back to building GPSPs...I can't wait to dismantle Rune's old GPSP and rebuild it to v9. I have decided not to record other material until our gpsp is in perfect condition. I'm sure you understand.

Tomorrow, we should get some parts for cases. (our dealer had to order them from Prague, because they are out of stock). It takes more than one week to get them here...

@gorhrut - as LJ said in an interview, they use Groove Tubes 12AX7 China. We use them as well, but in those last recordings, I used Tung Sol tubes.

Take care.
just wanted to fill you guys in.....the tubes you use in the (original) gp 1000 make a huge difference(i assume the same for gpsp). switched out my gtecc83's for the gt12ax7's. wow. what a change. the ecc83(rebranded jj's) were very dull and lifeless and didnt have a lot of gain.the 12ax7c made it instantly more midrangey and present, brought life into the amp, harmonics sing, and now there might be a little too much gain available.

edit-all this is after changing only v1 and v2 tubes. i cant wait to hear mine with all 3 chinese tubes!!!
Hey again,

well, finally I have some news - lots of testing and finding where the hell does the JE1000 pureness come from. And I believe we have it all. High quality film caps, metal film resistors, transistors with all parameters same as originals (you would not believe how difficult that was), and audio quality electrolytics from Panasonic.

I was not sure, if you want this with the push-pull:

1 - bypassing entire JE1000. That means Pushed = JE1000 active, Pulled = JE1000 bypassed, only output volume pot active.

Or this

2 - turning on the GAIN switch, which means Pushed = JE1000 active with GAIN switch on, Pulled = JE1000 active with GAIN switch off.

So I made it universal and you can select which one you want. As you can see on the 3D model, there are three pinheads (those black ones) and you can put them to the left or right. Under them on the PCB you see white rectangle. When those pinheads are set on the white rectangle, that means option 1 is active. When they are on the other side, option 2 is active.

Of course, removing the cable from the guitar disconnects the battery to prevent discharging.


This is important - PLEASE, check for me if it fits in your guitar! Dimensions are 63 x 26 milimeters, height is around 20mm, depends on the pot. With the pushpulls I have here now, the guitar body can be 8mm thick. Is that enough or shall I make some special nuts to allow thicker guitar body to be used?